A Warning

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The day of the Astor's party found me indulging myself in one of my favorite passions, letting Will hold me up against a wall while I chased my pleasure against his leg. He had asked to see the boat house, and I had been more than willing to show him around. Mother still placed time limits on us being alone, we were expected to return within half an hour to begin our preparations for the ball. Will had only looked at the rowboats racked up along the walls for a moment, before he had attacked my neck and jaw with a relentless series of kisses. The slight lapping of the waves against the boards covered the worst of my panting, until I could hold it in no longer. "God Will, your hand. I want your hand."

He pulled away from my neck for a moment, casting about. "That hammock, go." I slid down the wall onto my feet, feeling him right behind me as I stumbled to the hammock. He quickly tumbled me into it, following and resuming the kiss that had left me breathless a moment ago. It didn't take a second before his hand was under my skirt, teasing and enticing me. He glanced at me from my side where he was laying, "Why is there a hammock in here?"

"Some of the hands like to nap." I gasped, feeling him press a finger into me. "Oh Christ Will, yes." I tried to muffle my moans by pressing my mouth to his, whining and bucking my hips against his hand as he brought me closer and closer. A second finger joined the first, and I moved even faster, feeling hotter by the moment. I felt Will grin into the kiss, and his fingers suddenly curled in such a way that I was lost. I keened my release into his mouth, feeling the shudders of pleasure rush through me, leaving me breathless and spent against him. When I could speak again, I turned to him. "Do you want me to touch you?"

"No, no. I owed you for the lighthouse." Will nuzzled against my neck, throwing an arm around me. "Although I would much rather stay here than go to the party tonight."

I pressed myself against him, "So would I, but the party will be fun. The Vanderbilts will be there."

"Don't think I've forgot you promising to dance with Oscar."

"You can claim me for the next two after, if it upset you that much." I chuckled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. His brow as still furrowed though, and the arm around me tightened. "Will, please. I'm trying to get my friends back. I promise, Oscar will not tempt me from you."

"He's a handsome heir to a fortune, with a Cambridge education and a well known family." Will grumbled, "While I'm a widower with hardly more than a few thousand pounds to my name, who only finished secondary school and is widely known for a tragedy that occurred under his watch."

I rolled my eyes, feeling the hammock rock as I set myself up on his chest, where I could look into his eye. "Will, you have skills that Oscar could not dream of." I let my fingers wander over his shirt, up to his neck. "You'll make him look like a fool when we bring the yachts out, Oscar couldn't calculate his position just from the sun, and you are far more handsome." I let him capture my lips in a kiss at that, settling against him when he pulled away. "I wouldn't trade what we've just done for a week with Oscar, you know that."

"I know," He mumbled, his hand brushing through my hair. "But does he have to flirt with you so much?"

"He's just like that." I sighed, "He has been since he was little. Mrs. Vanderbilt told us all the time about how he first brought a bundle of flowers to Lina Fish and told her he was in love with her, when he was five."

"And the young Ms. Fish?"

"Happily married, with two lovely girls and another on the way." I leaned into his touch, "And not to Oscar." There was little time for us to spend in the hammock though, as shortly after the boathouse door creaked open and we immediately had to get out of the hammock. When the maid found us, Will simply had his arm around my waist as he examined a map of Newport's coastline that had been spread over a table. I looked over to her, "Yes?"

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