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I woke in the dark, and something felt strange. I couldn't tell what. The electric heater was still running, and when I reached over and turned the lamp on it blared to life quickly. It was only when I put my feet down that I recognized what it was, the engines had stopped. The slight vibration I had gotten used to was gone, the stillness of it was concerning after being so used to the movement. I slid on a pair of boots, pulling a dressing gown over my night gown. Surely a steward would be able to tell me more. Just as I had reached for the knob to my door a sudden pounding on it startled me. I opened it and Will burst in, closing it tightly behind him. He was pale, wearing a greatcoat and I could swear he was sweating. There was a tremble to his movements, as if he wanted to move faster than he could and the thought of his lack of speed terrified him.

His breathing was harsh and loud as he turned to me. "You need to get your parents, now." He turned to the furniture, throwing open the wardrobe and throwing my clothes out and onto the bed before he threw up the covers on the bed, got down on his knees, and began dragging something out from underneath.

It was frightening, to see him so disturbed by something. I moved around him to the adjoining door, opening it quickly and stepping through. Father's never ending snores and Mother's slight breathing quickly led me to them. I turned on a lamp and quickly shook Mother awake. "Mother, Mr. Murdoch is here."

"At this time of night?" Her voice was rough, her eyes bleary.

"Yes, he said to get both of you." I must have looked a fright because she turned to wake Father. I opened the door, finding Will had thrown a number of large white vests over my bed. I left the door open and moved in, touching the rough canvas of them. "Will, what is going on?"

He grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me and pressing his lips to my ear as he whispered harshly. "We have struck a berg, the ship is going down and I am going to get you off into a boat. All of you."

I suddenly couldn't feel anything, just a slight tingling from where he held my hand, his gloves were so cold. "What? Will, you can't be serious, this is-"

"What the hell is going on?" Father grumbled, coming in with Mother in his wake. "Get your hands off her Murdoch, or I swear-"

"Mr. Dalian, the ship is sinking. Slowly yes, but sinking. I doubt if we even have two hours." Will's voice was flat, formal and with no shred of emotion. "I intend to get your family off as quickly as I can. You all will need to dress warmly, as much as you can, and then fasten your lifebelts over." He held up a vest, showing the ties on the sides to hold it on. "First class passengers are going to be asked to gather in the lounge, please proceed there calmly. The last thing we need is a panic." He looked back out the door, towards the rest of our deck. "Men are removing the covers of the lifeboats, I need to be back up to lead the evacuation." He looked down to my hand, gripped so tightly in his that it was beginning to hurt.


And then he was gone, not even closing the door. We did not discuss anything, his manner was so serious that there was no room for doubt. We moved as quickly as we could, Mother throwing my blue silk gown over my nightdress and buttoning it up with a speed that astounded me. I pulled on the lifebelt, bulky and restricting as I tied it around my sides, the cork blocks within making it difficult to push it down while I tied it. Mother and Father had gone back to their cabin, and I struggled my way into one fur coat and then another. I grabbed up a mink wrap, then remembered my keepsakes on the vanity. I shoved the matchbook and the message from Will into the pocket of one of my coats, and burst through into the other cabin. Mother was done up as warmly as I was, Father too, but she was rapidly looking through her vanity, her voice panicked. "Where is it?"

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now