The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

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The Vanderbilts had arrived by the time we finished our dance, and Oscar looked as if he was going to punch every man that was stopping to say hello to them. It was only after they moved off that I saw why. Liz looked ravishing, her dress a brilliant shining gold that matched the setting for the massive diamond necklace she was wearing. It afforded her a little modesty on her neckline, although it did draw attention to the curves of her breasts as it lay against them. It also drew attention to the fact that her dress was extremely low cut, and like mine, rather tight. Oscar glared at me as we approached, "Anastasia, I know this was you."

"What?" I shrugged, looking to Liz. "You look magnificent, the color sets off your hair wonderfully."

"Oscar almost locked me in the carriage." She whispered as I came up to give her a hug, "Your Will looks like he's got murder on his mind."

"And your brother doesn't?" I laughed as I stepped back. "Oscar, she looks lovely."

"She looks like you do." He almost growled, "I know you two planned this. What exactly are you hoping to accomplish with this little stunt? Having every man paw at you all night?"

"If I remember correctly," I said, looking to Will. "You both promised to stay with us all night, specifically to prevent that."

"And you've just made it that much harder." Will muttered, but he did take my hand.

I squeezed his fingers, "You both know they'd have been at us even if we showed up in potato sacks." Oscar rolled his eyes at that, and we slowly began to circulate around the room. I hardly recognized anyone here, many of the ladies were wearing bright gowns and even brighter jewels, but what drew my eye were their faces. Their smiles seemed too wide, their laughs too high, and they hung off of the men like they were going to run away. I turned to Will, "What is going on with everyone here? I don't recognize any of these ladies."

"I think Mr. Perry brought some of his girls," Will gestured to Evan Perry and his wife, who were talking animatedly with Mr. Reichster and Samantha. "I wouldn't be surprised if some of them disappeared from the party later."

A gaggle of them actually stopped in front of us, the lead one with a flowing purple dress extending her hand. "Oh, I know you, Oscar Vanderbilt, correct?"

Oscar nodded, "Yes, although I don't know you."

"Don't worry, you will," She smiled, "Violet, and my dear friends, Pansy," She gestured to a beauty in a white and cream dress, then nodded to a girl in a yellow gown. "And Daisy. I'd so dearly like to get to know you better, Oscar."

"Oh yes," Pansy chimed in, "I would love to spend some time with you."

Daisy actually reached out and grabbed his arm, "Please say you'll join us." She batted her eyes at Will, "You're more than welcome to join us. Violet has always liked a man in uniform, especially one with a nice, long sword." One hand drifted to her dress, tugging at the neckline. "Maybe you'll even let her handle it, and then I can have a go."

"I think not." Will took both Liz and my hands, pulling us after him.

"What about Oscar?" Liz said as he stopped at a side room, holding the door open for us.

Will, looking back, merely shook his head. "Your brother is more than capable of defending himself. Now, get in."

Liz took a seat in a settee, her brow furrowed. "Why would he need to defend himself from those women? Who were they?"

"Probably just some giddy guests, haven't seen anyone like him before." Will, his face decidedly red, was still at the door. "He's coming along, don't worry."

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