The Talk

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Will found himself thanking God for the fact that boilers needed to be cleaned, that it took several days to do it, and that Bligh hadn't complained about him taking a room at an inn for the week's leave he had been granted. Will needed to be off that ship, if only for a few days, otherwise he was going to go mad.

There were also a few other matters to attend to, but the first was the crumpled telegram in his pocket.


I don't know exactly when you're getting in, but Mrs. Murdoch thought it would be soon. I'm staying in town until I can see you, I have her letters for you. Please call me when you're in and we can set up a time to have a pint together.


The telegram had come in with the rest of the mail, and the senior officers had smirked to see that Will had finally not gotten the large packet of letters he had routinely been getting. Will glanced up, confirming that the pub he was about to enter was the right, and pushed the door open.

He wasn't the only officer in, nor the only sailor, and it took him a minute to spot James at a table towards the back. He gave the younger man a grin as he sat, "You know, that uniform blends in fairly well."

James blushed, "I, I didn't want to stand out. People started questioning me on the train."

"Ah," Will shook his head, "Anyone questions you here and I'll put them on the ground for you."

"Thank you, sir." James reached into his jacket, pulling out a packet. "From Mrs. Murdoch, I also brought along some presents from her, they're back in my room."

Will curled his fingers around the letters, almost wanting to bring them up and see if he could smell her perfume. "Thank you, James, but why is she making you play courier?"

"Because someone's been reading your letters," He must have seen Will's brow furrow, "Oscar thinks its Naval Intelligence, blacking out sensitive information. But Anastasia doesn't like it, so she wanted me to run her letters up and bring yours to her."

Will wrinkled his nose, "You'll miss your wedding if you keep doing that. You've set a date, haven't you?"

"The second of January, it's a Saturday." James smiled, clearly thinking of Liz. "And I was just the first one, someone from the offices will take over for me."

"You must be excited; it's coming up soon."

James spluttered as he drank his beer, almost spraying Will before he brought his napkin up. "I'm bloody terrified!"

Will chuckled as he watched James wipe the beer off the table, "Terrified of what? You've been to enough of those society parties."

"It's not that." James flushed, and Will was suddenly struck by exactly how young he was. Younger even than Ana, and Will was glad that James was not involved in the war, at least for now. He wanted him to keep that innocence.

Will raised an eyebrow. "The wedding night?"

"Yes, I," James seemed to want to look anywhere but at him. "I remember a few things that Mr. Lightoller said at your stag party."

Now Will couldn't meet his eye, "Lights enjoys shocking everyone into silence."

"Is it true though? With lifting their legs?"

Will could feel himself turning beet red. "Well, some women, I mean, they do like it."

"I want Liz to like it." James muttered, turning the glass in his hand. "I know it's supposed to be painful their first time, but I don't think it has to be. Is there some way for me to make her enjoy it?"

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