The Wedding

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I sat before my vanity, dressed in a stylish morning suit and twisting a lock of hair around my finger. Everything had fallen into place over the last few days. The bridesmaid dresses had been delivered and everyone was enchanted by them. The flowers had been installed in the church last night, and were being placed at the Fifth Avenue house for the reception this morning. My gown and Will's uniform had been delivered to the church, two anterooms having been surrendered to become dressing rooms for us. Some of the guests had already made their way down, mainly the men who had taken Will off before he could even catch a look at me.

Charles had escorted me to my room the night before, ensuring that there was no chance of Will visiting. He had tugged at my hair like an annoying brother, "You'll have him every night after this, and besides, we can't have bad luck on the wedding day." I had batted at his hand, making him laugh. "You've had enough bad luck as it is." In the end I had called Rigel to join me, and had spent a good portion of the night wrapping my fingers through his hair. He had been taken down in the morning though, to be washed and brushed out to attend the reception. I had been treated similarly, being scrubbed within an inch of my life. And now Louise had dressed me, leaving me waiting to go to the church.

"Miss Anastasia, the carriage is ready." Peggy, clutching a handkerchief that was already spotted, spoke up from the hallway. "Will you be coming? Miss Vanderbilt is waiting."

I shook my head, "Of course, Peggy." I stood, grabbing my forget-me-not hat. I did stop, embracing her. "You're going to be there, right?"

Her voice was rather thick. "Of course Miss, we all are. But you need time there to change." She pulled back, fluttering her hands. "Off with you now, we've still got plenty to do here before we head over." She brought her handkerchief up and mopped at here face. "And then you'll be Mrs. Murdoch when you come back."

"I'll still be Miss Anastasia." I couldn't help but sniff. "You know that, right?" She clutched the cambric square to her eyes, waving me away. It seemed every floor I made my way down contained someone dabbing at their eyes, the maids with stained apron corners and the footmen with marks on their cuffs. It was far better than Liz who had not only one but two handkerchiefs in her purse as she held onto a third. I smiled at her, "It's a bit excessive."

"Oh hush." She waved it like a flag. "It's your wedding day." And didn't I know it, the carriage had been decked out with so many flowers and swags of ribbon to that the polished wood was barely visible on the outside. The inside was little better, the cushions had been changed out for ivory ones and more flowers had been placed in the corners. Event he curtains had been changed out to white ones. I felt a little out of place in my green suit, although Liz's bridesmaid dress did suit her and our surrounding marvelously. The portrait spread in the Times had featured her as well, along with the other monied bridesmaids. I had admired the portrait, especially the way Will and I had appeared so well matched in it, but seeing the dress in its glory was another thing entirely.

At least there wasn't a ticker tape parade for us as we pulled up to the church.

Instead there were some of the men waiting outside the entrance, obviously waiting for us. I could Samuel talking good-naturedly with Abe, Oscar and Ezekiel sharing a cigarette that Oscar quickly stamped out as he saw the carriage pulling up. I motioned for Liz to step out first, having to collect my skirt and ensure that I didn't trip over the ruffle at the bottom. I smiled to see Oscar standing at the foot of the carriage, his hand already gently gripping mine to guide me out. But it wasn't his voice that cut through the morning air. "Ah, there really is nothing like a wedding."

I didn't need to see the man to know who he was, but I still looked aside to catch the sight of Henry Reichster, dressed in his finest tails and top hat. I gripped Oscar's hand a little tighter. "You're not allowed to be near me."

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