Breaking Point

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AN: So, I am starting flight school and things are going to get a little busy for me which means I'll be going back to once a week updates for a bit. It sounds like as I get further into the program it eases up, so hopefully we can resume double updates sometime in the future. I hope you all enjoy the new chapter!

A few days later it was time for Charles to leave and Ana was dragging her feet about seeing him off. Will had put those days to good use, arranging things for what he had planned, but it had meant that he hadn't had much time to spend with Ana and she had withdrawn a bit. Will was in his dressing room, and with a last adjustment to his tie, opened the door into the bedroom. Ana wasn't there of course, she had gone back to staring into the fire in the sitting room. He took a breath as he grabbed the knob to their sitting room. He needed to be firm, there was no brooking with how she was going back to how she had been before. He had to shake her out of it, at least a bit. So when he opened the door to see her in a morning wrapper, staring into the fire, he only pursed his lips. He strode to her, put the heavy coat he had brought with him in her lap, and gave her an order. "Put this on, we're going out."

She slowly looked down at the coat, and then to him. Briefly though, for her eyes slid away and she addressed the ground. "I don't want to."

"We're going out, so put your coat on. I'll not be having you catch sick." He couldn't help but let a little anger into his voice. "We're taking Lights back to his ship, and I won't have you being rude to him, not after all he's done."

"I don't want to." The coat slithered off her lap. "I'm alright here, he'll understand." She pulled the tea gown a bit tighter about herself, "He probably doesn't want to see me anyway."

Will picked the coat up, feeling a bit of frustration well up in his breast. "I wasn't asking." He grabbed her arm from where she had it crossed over her chest, pulling her to her feet. He hated having to be a bit rough with her, but if this was how he had to break her out of her spell then so be it. "Now, put the coat on."

"Will, what are you-"

He let her arm go and held out the coat. "I swore to protect you, and if it had to be from yourself, then so be it. Now, put it on."

"Fine." She snapped, a bit of a spark appearing as she slid her arms through the sleeves. "Happy?"

No, but a bit less worried. "Hardly, put your boots on unless you want to wear your slippers through the front yard. And you may as well put on a dress, unless you want him to tease you the whole time."

Her brow was furrowed. "Why? You don't mind when he teases me before."

"Because I'm your husband and I'm telling you to do it." He managed what he hoped was a glare. "Now, in a timely manner please." But then the spark he had seen vanished quickly, and she meekly came back in a simple gown and a pair of plain boots. Will tried to fan it back to life as he fastened the coat. "You'll want a hat, get one." He gently grasped her chin. "A pretty one." Still, nothing from her as she left, coming back with a beaver hat that fit tightly around her head. He bit his tongue, finally speaking. "If that's the one you want, fine. Now, Rigel is waiting in the carriage for us. Can you walk or will I have to carry you?"

"I can walk." She snapped, starting out the door first.

Will let her manage a flight before grabbing her around the waist and pitching her over a shoulder. "We'll be here all day with you going that slow." He heard a muttered string of curses from behind his shoulder, along with several light punches to his side. He grinned through it all, pitching her into the carriage before clambering in and locking the door. Rigel pounced immediately, covering his mistress in kisses. He grinned down at Ana from the seat to where she was on the floor. "See? Much quicker."

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