A Picnic

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AN: Only one chapter this week, was a bit under the weather over the weekend and our local comicon is this weekend so I'm a bit busy. I hope you all enjoy this!

With a careful eye towards our appearance, we'd managed to return to the house with no one the wiser as to what had happened. I pretended not to notice how closely Louise was examining my dress, and my petticoats, when I'd gotten changed for dinner that night. She had said nothing though, and Will and I had exchanged our usual chaste kiss after dinner before heading to bed.

Will and I were in the library later that week, overseen by a maid dusting the shelves, when Peggy opened the door. I looked up rom my book and Will looked up from his latest project, a model of the Anastasia that he had started, as a swirl of black fabric swept in. Mother took a seat between the two of us. I tried to avoid the way she arched her brow at me. "Well, I heard you gave my daughter a tour of the ship."

"I did." Will nodded, setting the small pair of forceps he had been using aside. "She wanted to see everything."

"Did she?" Mother turned to me, "How many refrigerated holds does she have?"

"Six." I answered, remembering Will's words as we had walked downstairs and trying to keep the memory of his hands gliding over my breasts to warm me up away. "They weren't completely cold when I was aboard, but there were still quite chilly."

"And her electric plant?"

"A steam driven turbine dynamo." I furrowed my brow, "Mother, what are you trying to get at?"

"I simply wanted to ensure that Mr. Murdoch gave you a very thorough education onboard." She looked over to Will. "Although I suppose a couple of hours is a sufficient time for a tour. I certainly hope that you never felt you had to cut anything short." I barely managed to keep my jaw from dropping. There was no way she could know, no way. She just had to think that maybe Will had stolen a few kisses. Any evidence had been left onboard, Will's sheets and his handkerchief had been left for the stewards to send off to the laundry. They had joined an already large pile of linens from the rest of the crew, and Will assured me that he was not the only man to put a handkerchief used in that manner in the laundry.

Will nodded, and I could see a flush on his neck. "Ana was a very receptive audience, she took in everything I had to say." At that I flushed, or at least I felt like I did. Catching my eye, Will gave Mother a grin. "Although I was not expecting you to be joining us today, Mrs. Dalian."

"Yes, well, you probably will not be pleased to hear what I am here for." Mother sighed, turning to me. "My dear, I'm afraid you will have to represent us at the opera this year."

I groaned, "Mother, surely we could skip it." Seeing the way she was glaring at my posture I sat up straighter. "After everything that has happened, we can just make our donation. No one would expect us to attend."

"We donate, which means we attend at least the opening night." Mother, her shoulders set, remained firm. "I cannot attend, not in mourning as I am. And for our family to skip the opening night, after fifteen years of regular attendance, it would reflect badly on us. So, it is up to you to represent us." She looked over. "And Mr. Murdoch. Will a chaperone be needed?"

"They're doing La Boheme! I don't speak Italian, I'll have no idea what is going on." Ignoring her comment I grabbed for any excuse that I could. "And you know the Reichsters will be there, Sophie was already bragging about her opera cape and I haven't been able to get anything. She asked me to come to their box, for God's sake."

Mother very calmly held up a hand. "You don't speak Italian, French or German. You've said the same thing when it was Faust and then Wagner." She ticked the excuses off on her fingers. "You do have a new opera cape, it came in our order from Paris. If they come to your box you will be pleasant, but noncommittal. You have been trained on how to do that. You're going, with William." She looked to him. "Again, will you need a chaperone?"

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