An Attack

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AN: I'm just going to throw a TW on this for unwanted sexual advances.

On the day before any ball I spent it relaxing, complete and utter indulgence. Sleeping in, reading a book as I languished in a hot bath, enjoying a few drinks before I went to bed, that was what I usually did. I attempted it, but sleeping in was impossible. So I settled into my bath early, hoping my book could distract me. It proved to be of some use, and by the time I emerged my dress had been delivered and placed, in its box, in my dressing room. I pulled on a tea gown, loose and flowing, and opened it. I had been very specific in what I wanted, and Lord and Taylor delivered perfectly. Smiling to myself I set the lid back down, moving to the sitting room and picking up my embroidery. I was going to relax today, I was not going to focus on the business, or the ball, or how much I wished Will would be joining me for it. I had barely made a stitch when a maid creaked the door open, "Miss, you have a visitor in the parlor. Mr. Reichster says he has some business with you."

I stabbed the needle into the fabric, "Some business?"

"That's all he would say Miss, will you be going down?"

I grit my teeth, "Yes, I will be down momentarily." She stepped away and it took everything I had not to throw the embroidery hoop across the room. Any chance of relaxing today was gone, and I had no doubt whatever this was would put me in a foul mood. But I owed it to Mr. Keller, he had stressed to me how much business we stood to lose to the Reichsters if one small thing went wrong. Perhaps I could convince him to partner with us on something, that there was some benefit to it. Or perhaps I could just tell him to go to Hell. Either way, not receiving a guest would have been the height of rudeness.

I wished the slippers I wore would have made a harsher sound as I headed downstairs, some kind of expression of how this while situation made me feel. Henry Reichster was standing in the parlor, looking far too pleased with himself as he gazed at the pictures on the wall. He looked over as soon as I walked in, "Ah, Anastasia. Thank you for seeing me, I don't suppose we could go up to the office? This is a business matter, it might be better dealt with there."

I stood firm behind the settee, twisting my hands together behind my back. "No, Mr. Reichster, here will be fine."

"Please, call me Henry, my dear." He reached into his jacket, pulling out a leather portfolio which he proffered to me. "I have something that might interest you."

I took it over to the empty fireplace, turning a lamp on the mantle on so I could read. It appeared to be a contract, and I tried to quickly read it. "A stock sale?"

"Yes, I am prepared to be quite generous for your stake in Dalian Shipping." His voice was rather jovial. "I could double your personal accounts in an instant for them."

I slapped the portfolio closed, holding it back out. "I refuse, you can leave." It didn't even require consideration. My family had built this, it was mine, and if he wanted it he would have to pry it from my cold, dead hands.

"Come now Anastasia, be reasonable. What do you know about running a shipping business?" He didn't take the contract from my hands, flashing me a smile from underneath his mustache.

I knew enough to make sure he'd never get his hands on it, and under Mr. Keller's tutelage I was sure I would know far more soon. "I assure you Mr. Reichster, I am quite capable. As is my mother."

"Henry, my dear, and do you really think those under you will agree to a pair of women leading the company?"

"I would think they wouldn't care, so long as it's my family." I angrily turned toward him, "I have no desire to sell you my stock and let you get your grubby fingers into my company." I turned to the mantle, looking for a book of matches that was kept on top for lighting fires. I'd burn the damn thing before his eyes, that would show him.

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