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Will had to admit that Rosyth was much more welcoming his second time, the wonders of rank and all that. The Unicornwas given a prime berth, next to the other battlecruisers. If one considered proximity to the flagship a sign of one's standing, then Will was far above where he had once been. As expected, there were a few other ships between his ship and Lion, but Will could stand on the top deck and clearly make out Beatty's flag, so he considered that all well and good.

Of course, all the battlecruisers were placed so that they could deploy down the Firth quickly if needed.

Will tried to force that from his mind as Sharpe helped him into his formal uniform, for he did not like to think of having to rush out to face some German fleet. At least it wasn't U-boat patrol, but those big guns were still going to be aiming for him. He comforted himself with the fact that the battlecruisers were too valuable to risk without their escorts, meaning he would have destroyers and cruisers screening him as he set out. More than likely he'd spend most of the war in port, although when he did have to go out, the thought sent chills down his spine.

Sharpe must have noticed while he brushed down Will's coat, "Nervous about meeting the Admiral, sir?"

Will shrugged, "A bit, but nothing too bad." And he really wasn't nervous, not enough to make him shiver. Beatty had wanted him to come visit before he had to leave to meet with Jellicoe up in Scapa Flow over something. But he had wanted to meet with his newest captain before, just a brief meeting that was really a formality. Will had dressed the part, asking for his formal uniform. He felt rather foolish stepping out though, earning a few glances as he made his way to the dock and to the Lion. An officer by the gangplank saluted, and Will returned it. "I believe I'm expected by the Admiral."

"Aye, sir." The officer gestured for him to follow as he led him through the ship. Will was glad that he knew the way himself, the two ships were immensely similar and he felt comfortable in the hallways. The officer paused, knocking on a door. "Sir?"

"Come in," A voice called out, and Will was confronted with Vice-Admiral Beatty for the first time. He snapped a salute, doing his best to examine the man in charge of the battlecruiser fleet without making it obvious. Beatty had a long face, a strong jaw and an aristocratic nose. A pair of clever light hazel eyes gazed out, assessing him in turn. "Captain Murdoch, I presume?"

Will had to resist nodding, "Yes, sir."

"At ease," He nodded to the officer, "We'll be fine without you." Will relaxed his salute but didn't reach for the chair in front of Beatty. The other man cocked his head, "I must admit, I had my doubts about you when I was told your background." Will didn't even have a moment to say something in his defense before Beatty chuckled, "But so long as you can command your ship and follow orders, I'll take anyone."

Will swallowed, "Thank you, sir."

"And don't worry, I'm the soul of discretion." Beatty nodded towards the chair. "Sit, anything to drink?" He didn't even wait for Will's answer, calling for his personal steward to bring them two glasses of scotch. Beatty swirled it as he looked at him, "So, your thoughts on your ship?"

Will sipped his drink, doing his best to drink slowly. "She's a wonderful ship, sir, quite fast and the men have only improved on their gunnery since I took over."

"And Rosyth itself?"

"As a Scot, I have to admit I enjoy it." Will grinned a bit, earning a snort from Beatty. "Although I imagine you would rather be up in Scapa Flow."

"Hardly," Beatty rolled his eyes. "Up there, three days from a decent restaurant and freezing my arse off? Rosyth is only a quick train ride from Edinburgh, and there's enough entertainment to be had there."

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