A Joke

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AN: Thanks to simpforlupin on Wattpad for the new cover design!

Despite the fact that I woke early in the morning, I was reluctant to leave our bed. Will was still snoring softly, his arm thrown around my waist and he would tug me back to him if I moved too far. The only things I had managed to do was to turn on a lamp and grab my book. I shifted, trying to find a more comfortable position. Nemo had just taken the visitors out to hunt sharks underwater, it was one of my favorite scenes, but Will was pulling me closer and closer to him.

"Ana," He mumbled, his head moving on the pillow. I sighed, reaching down to give his hand a squeeze. He spoke sometimes in his sleep, usually calling for me or Ada. It was usually nothing, some dream that he was caught up in. His fingers twitched on my waist, digging into my hip. I turned, looking at him. His mouth was strained, his breath gasping, and he cried out. "Into the boat! Get into the boat goddamnit!" I went stiff as a board, and he suddenly pulled me to him. I gasped as he threw himself on me, "The boat, get to the boat." His voice was soft now, his arms twitching where they caged me. I could see his fingers curling in the sheets, his legs tense underneath them.

I reached up, touching his cheek. "Will, it's only a dream." He shuddered, his eyes flicking beneath their lids. He was still there, back on Titanic, back in the water. I reached up again, "We're safe, we're warm. Everything is alright." I kept repeating it over and over, a promise to him and a hope for me. It was minutes before the tension seemed to drain from him, his arms collapsing and his face hitting the pillow beside me. His breathing was slowing, his body relaxing onto mine. There was no desire or thrill from it at the moment, simply relief that he was out of the nightmare.

Although he was rather heavy, and my book was digging into my side.

It took some creative movement, and a good deal of wiggling, but eventually I was able to pull out the book and shift myself underneath Will to where I could read. He settled further onto me, his arms now curling and holding me instead of caging me against him. I started whispering the book to him, telling him about the Nautilus and how Pierre was facing down the devilfish. I missed his commentary, his snide remarks about how Verne got things wrong, or how it was ridiculous to willingly travel with a pirate. I pressed my lips to his cheek, "Nothing from you, love?"

He pressed himself further into the pillow. "It's all utter nonsense. Like I've said."

"Will," I started, trying to rise but feeling him push me back to the mattress. "How long have you been awake?"

"Since you started reading." He mumbled, turning to lay his face on my hair. "I didn't want to leave."

More than likely he didn't want to get off of me, considering neither of us had bothered with our night clothes last night. He was a least holding himself slightly off of me though, bracing his arms against the bed. I ruffled his hair, enjoying the softness of it. "You know, if you don't get off of me we'll miss breakfast."

"I'd rather stay here, in fact I'd rather avoid leaving this bed all together."

"I highly doubt the stewards would appreciate that."

"We can make the bed."

"Maybe I would like some breakfast."

"I can arrange for them to bring something. What would you like?"

"Griddlecakes if they have them, with syrup." I sighed as Will rolled off the bed, grabbing his discarded trousers and shirt from last night. It was a delight to watch him dress, pulling the dangling suspenders up and over his shoulders. He head reached for his waistcoat when I spoke up, "No, just like that if fine."

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