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Christmas Eve had found all of them back at the cabin, and it appeared that the Lightollers were determined to be there the entire day. They had arrived early, with the Vanderbilt's cook in tow who had promptly hustled me out of the kitchen for the day. I had paused a moment to watch him, unpacking not only his tools and ingredients, but a full dinner and silver service. Which meant that Sylvie and I were currently watching Roger and Trevor muck about in the snow, with no responsibility aside from enjoying ourselves.

She bounced Mavis in her arms, "They really haven't managed much of a fort, have they?"

"I think those are supposed to be walls." I gestured to the lumpy mounds the boys had been focused on piling up. "Or maybe they're for snowballs later?" She shrugged, but was smiling as she watched the boys work on their fort. I was smiling too, for I saw a pair of men hiding in the trees and acting much like boys themselves. Will and Lights, both bundled up in sweaters and mittens, were very clearly stalking the boys and doing a bad job of it. The boys paid no notice though, focused as they were on their defenses.

Sylvie look aside at me, "Should we tell them?"

"No, let them surprise them." I chuckled, seeing Will and Charles kneel down and begin packing snowballs together. "This should be fun." Underneath the massive pines, a war was swiftly being planned. Roger and Trevor had finally caught sight of the men arming themselves, and scrambled to do the same. Sylvie and I settled in to watch, debating who would strike the first blow. It wound up being Roger, flinging a snowball and hitting a tree beside his father's head.

Lights gave a whoop at that, returning fire and striking the walls. As mushy as they appeared, they held up to the assault and the boys started throwing more snow. For the smaller size of their ammunition, they were faster and were quickly getting better at aiming. I gave a little cheer as Will started across the field from the trees, an armful of packed snow cradled close as he moved closer to get better aim.

Then a snowball struck him in the shoulder, and he loudly cried out as he fell to his knees. More snow struck him, and he fell back into the snow and proceeding to groan as if he were dying. Charles darted out from the trees, falling to his knees beside Will. I could hear Will coughing, "Save yourself!"

"No, not without you!" Lights loudly called, and was promptly struck in the back by a pair of snowballs. He staggered, his hands going to his chest. Roger and Trevor peeked out over their walls, and another pair of snowballs struck their father. Lights stumbled to his feet, groaning and choking as he struggled a few more feet before dramatically falling to the ground, giving a single loud cry and lying still.

Sylvie stood, smiling at me. "Come, we should greet the victors." The boys were laughing as they ran to their mother, who complimented them and sent them inside to warm up. She dipped down, picking up a small bit of snow and placing it in Mavis's hand. I was smiling as she stood over her husband, still in his death throes, and watched her gently hold Mavis out and tickle her. With a burbling laugh the snow was dropped, right into Charles's face. "There, now you've lost to all our children."

"And what mighty warriors they are." He jumped lightly back to his feet, kissing her cheek. "Come on now, those two are going to try and weasel chocolate out of the cook and I intend to get some."

I sent them off with a wave as I made my way to Will, lying still in the snow. "Well, I'm not sure if I should reward you, losing to a couple of boys. I had thought more highly of you, my warrior Scot."

His eyes were still closed, only his lips moving. "If you don't think Lights planned every move-"

"Oh, I am well aware he did." I laughed, holding out a hand. "And you two followed it to perfection."

Cold All the Way Through, But WarmingWhere stories live. Discover now