The Kidnappers' Testimony

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We arrived to the court so early the next day that I wound up dozing on Will's shoulder while we waited for the courts to officially open. I didn't mind, we'd managed to avoid the reporters and the photographers so I would gladly take a nap on Will and listen to his steady breathing. However Ezekiel was not so pleased, and he groused plenty as we waited. "I didn't even have a chance to get a cup of coffee, Annie."

"Then perhaps you shouldn't have slept thirty minutes longer than all of us." Oscar chuckled, "I'm sure we could get a reporter to get us some coffee, you just would have to offer an interview."

"And have them ask me if I was carrying one with her?" Ezekiel snorted. "I'd rather yawn my way through today. What's on the docket?"

"Docket?" Mother laughed at that. "My word, perhaps I'll have to tell Morgan you're looking for a change in careers."

I opened my eyes so I could see the flush on Ezekiel's cheek. "I had no idea you were picking up legal language, Zeke. I'm sure Oscar would be willing to tutor you."

"I would indeed!" Oscar grinned widely. "After all, a little Latin never hurt anyone." Ezekiel groaned as Oscar began to launch into a lecture. "You know, Professor Featherstone at Cambridge always said that the law is not limited to men of means, that anyone could become a lawyer simply by applying himself." I could see the light in Oscar's eyes as he kept speaking. "I mean, look at Lincoln! He came from nothing and simply studied and studied until he could debate like an expert. And I myself may come from means, but plenty of my fellows were sons of working men who had an aptitude for-"

"Forget I said anything." Ezekiel cut him off, "I think I've learned plenty already."

"So you're ready to teach a course, then?" Will asked, his voice light.

Ezekiel shook his head. "Perhaps, although I would rather teach one on have to properly navigate your way through a storm." He cocked his head to the side for a moment, considering. "Or how to curse enough to break up a fight. I've done that a fair number of times."

"I hardly think you could curse your way out of this." Mother sighed, "That Dyer is a snake."

"He's a goddamn liar is what he is." It was out of Ezekiel's mouth before he could stop himself, and he immediately ducked his head. "Sorry, Mrs. Dalian."

"It's quite alright." Mother shrugged. "He is a goddamn snake of a man." I actually laughed at that, my veil shaking from my mirth. It was going to be the last day for me to wear it the whole time, Rhett and Dalton had everything for the third day planned to the minute. They'd introduce the evidence they'd gathered and the anonymous testimony in the morning, and then have me testify after. At a certain point Rhett would ask me if I suffered any injury during the attack, and then I would remove the veil. He had even told me to bring extra powder to make the bruise stand out even more.

"Father used to curse when he drank a bit too much." I smiled, remembering how he once came home and declared Mother to be the finest fucking lady in New York. "It was never in anger though, and he'd always get us something after to apologize."

"It was usually chocolates." Mother had a small smile on her face. "Or flowers, he always used to get me roses when he came back from a trip."

"I'll have to remember that." Will squeezed me up against him. "Two bouquets of roses when I come back, for both of you."

"I would enjoy that, Mr. Murdoch." Mother's voice was far too even and calm, it sounded forced. "I can send you the card for our florist." We quieted down as clerks began to arrive, other lawyers and their clients making their way to various courtrooms through the vast hallways. I watched them wander past us, and I couldn't help but wonder what they were here for. Perhaps that couple was divorcing, or maybe they were dealing with an inheritance. Everyone seemed so focused and intense, it was unlikely anyone here was doing anything frivolous.

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