A Long Time Coming

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I tried to keep my thoughts focused on the present, and not the fact that every day meant we were closer to the end of the month and Will leaving. Instead I took Will shopping, purchasing new shirts and socks and anything else he could think of. I had already asked Mr. Cooper to make as many jackets and trousers for Will's uniform as he could, if there was one thing I could do I could at least send my husband off with plenty of clothes.

Fortunately once we had Will's measurements taken the salesman at the department store we visited was quite willing to send his staff to collect up a good number of shirts and collars. Which left me to browse the pitiful selection of outerwear, muttering to myself. "Why did they have to start this during summer?"

"What?" Will, holding up a cream colored sweater, glanced over.

I shook my head, "Nothing, nothing. I think that would be good for you to take with, I'll have to send over some more coats and jackets once it cools down here."

"Ana, I can go shopping in Britain." He handed the sweater to a shop assistant, coming over to take my hands. "You don't have to worry yourself over this."

"I'm your wife." I rolled my eyes, leaning up to peck his cheek and trying desperately to think that there might come a day where I wouldn't be his wife, but rather his widow. "It's my job to see you turned out just right, now, how many pairs of socks do you think you'll need?"

"A few dozen." Will sighed, and we made our way through the various departments.

It was when we reached the sporting department that I paused, my blood running cold as I took in a mannequin dressed for duck hunting. "Will?"

"What is it?" I felt him slide his arm around my waist. "You sound upset."

I had to work my mouth for a moment, "Will I need to send you off with a gun? I don't know what kind, a pistol? Do you-"

"Ana," He turned me away from the mannequin, leading me off to towards the luggage. "They'll supply that, you don't need to worry." I distracted myself by trying to decide what valise he would prefer, there were plenty of options and Will seemed glad to help me decide. We eventually settled on a large black leather case, enough to hold a uniform, several shirts and his toiletries.

The salesmen had gathered quite a few shirts for us, and Lewis didn't mind helping them load everything into the car. We had one now, a Packard that Lewis had been more than glad to track down once we told him we wanted one. In fact, given how quickly the car had showed up at the house, I had a distinct suspicion that he'd had his eye on this exact model for some time and was simply waiting us to supply the cash.

Will and I had traded off sitting in the passenger seat for the past couple days of shopping, Lewis being more than willing to show us the intricacies of the clutch, pedals and wheel. But now, even though it was my turn, I joined Will in the back. The seats were soft, and Will quickly had his arm around me when I moved closer to him. I was trying to not cling to him, to not focus on the fact that sometime soon I wouldn't be able to do this, to ignore the fact that I was going to have to wait years to see him again, or that I might never.

Part of me wanted to ask if he was thinking the same thing when he held me, but part of me was terrified of the answer. I wanted to have Will come back, I wanted to have him not think about dying, and so I had decided to do something to help prevent that. I had wired over to Mr. Welton, determined to do whatever I could to assist Will over there since he was going, and told him to purchase as many books as he could find on naval theory and send them to Will's house. If those would help him survive, then I wanted him to have every access to them.

I tried not to hold his hand too tightly when we got home, although he stayed back when I went to head inside. "I need to make some calls," Will leaned down, kissing my cheek. "I'll be back for dinner."

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