Fitting Together

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Rigel twisted around his legs as Will crushed her to him. A dam broke in him, relief flooding through him as he felt her put her arms around his shoulders. His throat felt tight, and when he ran his hand down her back, he almost shivered. Her clothing still felt cold, and he rubbed her back a bit faster to try and warm her. She pulled back, looking up at him with wide eyes and he let out a sob at seeing those wonderful brown eyes that gazed up at him with nothing but love. "You're safe, thank God."

"Yes," She sniffed, a few tears escaping. "It seems I have terrible luck with liners."

Will didn't laugh, she was clearly trying to make light of it and put him at ease. He took a breath, steadying himself. "I don't want you leaving, not until the war is done."

Ana nodded, then stepped back into his arms as she wrapped herself around him. "I want to go home."

He drew in a breath, trying to breathe in her scent. But all he could smell was the stink of low tide. "Then let's get you there." He brought a hand up, curling it around her head. "A hot bath, a good dinner, and I'll brush out your hair. Doesn't that sound nice?" She nodded into his chest, and he kept an arm around her as he leaned down and pressed a firm kiss to her lips. While the rest of her may have been cold, her lips were warm and moved against his softly.

Will groaned at that, pressing his forehead to hers. "I love you, Ana."

"I love you, Will." She muttered, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Rigel seemed to take their affection as a lack of attention that he was due, jumping up to paw at Will's side. Will ruffled his ears, noting that the dog's hair was still cool as if he had been soaked and not fully dried. He tucked his arm around her, taking Rigel's leash and tugging the panting dog after them.

Rigel stopped dead after a few steps though, his hackles raised and a growl in his throat. Will turned, nothing a fine-boned young man in a Lieutenant's jacket, his trousers perfectly pressed and his collar freshly starched, watching the both of them. He stepped forward, doffing his cap but not saluting. "Captain Murdoch, my felicitations on the miraculous survival of your wife."

Ana pressed herself to Will's side. "Lieutenant Campbell, I already spoke you on the train."

"And our arrival cut our conversation short." The Lieutenant pursed his lips as Rigel growled louder. "As did your beast."

"I'm sorry sir, but I'll have to ask you to leave my wife alone." Will tugged on the leash, "Come Rigel."

"I'm afraid I have orders sir," Campbell leaned in, although he recoiled slightly when Rigel snapped at him. "Intelligence, you know. Very important, what with a war on and all."

The man's posh accent was grating on Will's ears. "I fail to see how my wife is important to Naval Intelligence."

"Oh, but she is. After all, there's to be an inquiry soon." Campbell grinned, raising a brow. "You're familiar with how quickly an inquiry happens, although we won't be proceeding quite as quick as Titanic. Unlike you, your wife won't be subpoenaed for a short time. But I do need her full statement."

Will so dearly wished to let Rigel loose. "She can speak to you another time."

"Indeed, I'll be by tomorrow at noon sharp." Campbell donned his cap again. "Don't worry about providing directions, I know your house."

He turned back for the train, whistling as he went. Will stared after the man, "I'm going to lock every door and window." He muttered further to himself as Ana leaned further onto him, hoping that she didn't notice the curses he was using.

He wasn't the only one cursing, the cabbie barely stopped himself when Rigel was loaded in but a few bills from Will were enough to make him quiet. Ana leaned on his shoulder as the car set off, and Will glanced down to her. Her face was drawn, there were circles beneath her eyes and she was feverishly pale.

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