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Oscar gave up his plans for a large party after a few days, it was more than apparent that while he wanted to celebrate he could tell it wasn't a good time for it. Ezekiel had already been called back to work and Mother had returned to Fifth Avenue, she had found me in the office and had spent ten minutes looking at the portrait of all of us behind the desk. I had watched as she had traced Father's cheek on the canvas, her eyes shining. I had swallowed my pride, "Mother, why don't you head back? Oscar, Liz and James will be staying. I'll be fine, and you've been working yourself to the bone." I had stood, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. "You can come back over when it's time for the wedding portrait."

That had seemed to shake her out of it. "Nonsense, you'll be coming to me. I've already arranged with Mr. Hunt to have the dress delivered there, and you'll need to send over Will's uniform before then." She seemed glad to have a distraction. "But I should be getting back, I can start to plan for some flower arrangements for the portrait." But then she had looked over, raising an eyebrow. "If you're sure, that it."

I had hugged her. "Of course, go get some rest." She had pressed a kiss to the side of my head, collected her trunks and left for her own house. I had sat back down at the desk, but the reports from Mr. Keller hardly seemed to stick in my mind. Eventually I had given up on reading them, on sitting beneath the portrait where we had all been so happy. Instead I had fled to the library, hoping to find something to distract me. Even that was of little use, though, for all I could think about was what was coming.

The first day of the anniversary found Will, James and I being whirled around a department store by Liz and Oscar. They had apparently decided that it was their duty to keep us from thinking about last year, and Oscar was currently piling hat after hat in front of Will and James. He held up a black silk top hat, collapsing the crown down to make it almost flat and letting it spring back up. "It would be perfect for you Will, very easy to store and wear when you and Anastasia head out for your honeymoon."

I could see Will was trying to be positive. "Yes, I can see the advantage of it."

"And for you as well, Mr. Moody."

"I'm afraid I cannot afford something like that." James shrugged. "Nor could I ask you to purchase it for me."

Oscar snorted. "You don't need to ask me, I've already arranged for one to be sent to the house. Liz wants to take you out to the theater tomorrow, you need to dress the part."

James sighed, his shoulders falling. "I'm afraid that I would just embarrass her, I haven't got the clothes to be by her side."

"Then it's a good thing we're here." Oscar came over, hustling the younger man to follow him. "Now, come along. And I don't want to hear any nonsense about not letting me buy a suit for you." I gave a small smile as I watched the two of them head off towards a salesman and a tailor that had obviously been told to wait for them. I was just about to ask Will what he thought of a gray bowler when Liz burst out from a display of coats.

She briefly considered them before turning to me. "There you are, I have found the most marvelous dress. I was thinking it would be perfect for your honeymoon." I didn't even have a chance to agree before she had my arm and was dragging me back to the ladies area. It was full of ladies browsing the latest for the spring season, full of pastels and light fabrics, but what Liz pulled me towards was dark.

"Oh, my." I murmured, taking in the sight of the dark blue dress, almost insubstantial gauze draped over silk. The gauze almost formed a second skirt over the actual skirt, all of it edged in gold embroidery and edged with shining beads. I was almost afraid to touch it, it seemed so delicate that I worried I would tear it. I barely spared a glance to Liz, greedily watching my reaction from beside me. "This is incredible."

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