Alfred Arrives

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Fourth of July dawned with massive amounts of coffee, mainly for Richard and Moira who had pulled up before dawn and were yawning as they walked in. Oscar and Liz were little better, although James was happily awake and more than willing to help Will get the yacht prepared. Which left Liz sitting with me in the parlor, her eyes glazed over as she sipped at her mug. "Honestly, how are they even awake right now?"

"I do not know, nor do I care at the moment." I mused, disdaining the bitter coffee for a mug of hot chocolate. I had been groggy when Will had woken me up, and had stumbled my way through dressing and down the stairs. Mother had breezed down as light as a feather, and Sophie had appeared with Adam, the both of them looking like they wanted nothing more than to get on the yacht so they could doze.

"They are far too used to early hours." Oscar groused, pouring himself another cup. "It's ungodly."

"Oh hush," Mother teased, "Or perhaps you could go help them?" That shut Oscar up right quick, and led to giggles from everyone else. With everyone gathered it was a bit of a tight fit on the Dependable, or it least it felt that way to me. I was so used to it just being Will and I, but now the railings were full of everyone looking out and talking as we slowly pulled out of the cove. I couldn't even play deckhand for James was far more skilled than I, and Liz appeared to be quite glad to watch him work with his shirtsleeves rolled up.

So instead I took a place behind the wheel, watching as Will skillfully guided us out into the sea. The sun was rising, gilding the top of every wave we crested and setting the wispy clouds aglow up in the sky. It was enough to stop the comments about the hour, everyone watching quietly as more and more light was brought into the world. Given that the party was a day long affair, and it was never polite to show up too early, Will took us out farther into the ocean than he usually did.

Will seemed to notice me hanging behind him, and gestured for me to come up. "So, this party we're going to, who's throwing it?"

"Oscar's cousin Alfred." I watched Will's hands, sure on the wheel as he sent us scudding before a freshening breeze. "He's finally decided to return from Britain for a bit."

"Does he have some business over there?"

"Yes, fox hunting." I chuckled, noting how Will was slowly bringing us about to head back to town.

He briefly took one hand off the wheel, "Here, I could use some help." I prayed no one was looking as I stepped in front of him, feeling him place my hands on the spokes and then cover them with his own. "There we are, soon enough you could take over as helmsman, you know."

"Or helmswoman." I muttered, although I did enjoy the feeling of the wheel under my hand. Will had drawn out a sketch of how the wheel controlled the rudder, it was much simpler than the massive steering controls of the cargo ships. I could almost feel the rope resisting through the wheel, although it bent to Will's control and brought us on a dead heading for the town docks.

There was no concerns with the sails, for James had them under his control and between him and Will we arrived smoothly at the docks. I pouted a bit that Will refused to release me to toss the lines up, but then I had more to worry about when he buried his head against my shoulder and lifted me up slightly. I could barely keep myself from squealing, "Will, what in the world?"

"Oh hush, love. Can't a man be happy?" He rumbled against my back. "A fine ship and a fine woman, both under my hand."

I struggled loose, but was smiling. "You keep talking like that and Mother will demand you take her home just to make you angry."

"I suppose I can hold my tongue, I would hate to leave you alone here." He murmured, the both of us watching as our guests were helped up onto the dock. James was handling getting Liz settled ably, while Oscar was tending to his parents and Mother. Sophie and Rebecca were also standing by him, Adam making delightful little snuffles that became audible as we joined them. Will smiled at Sophie, "Well, we may make a sailor of him yet."

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