The Great White Hurricane

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Will stood outside the bridge, watching as tugs by the Dalian docks trundled up and the hands started to throw lines down. It had been a good trip, relatively smooth seas and brisk weather. Although it seemed a bit more brisk here, and he rubbed his hands together. He'd be warm enough soon, and Ana probably had a great big pot of beef stew waiting. With fresh bread and butter, a glass of whiskey and a roaring fire he would be quite content. Not to mention that soon enough he'd have Ana waiting for him in his bunk while he attended to his duties. Now if there was anything to make a man deal with inspections, it was that as a reward.

He didn't see the carriage when the tugs had them positioned at the dock, but that wasn't unusual. While Ana usually was waiting for him she sometimes had other things to attend to and couldn't greet him. So he simply shrugged and got on with his duties. They weren't as involved as his duties when they were at sea, but they served to keep him occupied. He made sure that the cargo was getting unloaded, that the engineer was seeing to inspecting the engines in case any work was needed while they were in, and he even made his way though the passenger quarters to ensure that the stewards were seeing to the few cabins that had been booked.

It was late afternoon by the time he finally threw his seabag over his shoulder and headed down to the dock. He looked around the various trucks and wagons that had swarmed, looking for the carriage. The offices always sent a note to Ana when he came in so she could send it for him, but it appeared that she hadn't sent someone to pick him up. What he saw though was Mrs. Dalian's car and her driver scanning the crowd. He waved his hat when he saw him, "Mr. Murdoch, over here!"

"What are you doing here?" Will wasn't angry, simply curious. Maybe Ana was dining with Ruth tonight and wanted him to join them.

"Mrs. Dalian's orders, sir." The driver opened the door for him. "Mrs. Murdoch's left town and everything's in a mess."

Will paused on the running board, his heart plummeting. "She's gone?"

"Yes sir, there was," The driver paused for a moment, "There was a storm and she took off, hardly leaving word for Mrs. Dalian. She needs to see you, could you please get in sir?" Will nodded, then pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose and groaned. Ana had run off, because of a storm? Why would a storm send her running? Where did she go? He settled back onto the seat as the driver lurched them through the streets of New York. He bit his lip, thinking. Ana had left word on where she was going, he could find her. He had time, and he had the resources to go after her. She had left word with Ruth, that had to be about why she was leaving and where she was going. He could go find her, in fact he would.

Will nodded to the driver when he left him off outside Mrs. Dalian's house, a footman darting forward to take his bag. Rigby directed him to the parlor, where he saw Mrs. Dalian anxiously sewing before a fire. He paused, "Ruth, what happened?"

"William!" She stood, setting her sewing aside. "Come take a seat, you must be exhausted." Will nodded, sitting across from her. A low table had been set with a late lunch, and he tore off a piece of bread. Ruth settled herself back down, pursing her lips. "I don't know how to put this."

He swallowed the bread. "Then just say it. Where is Ana?"

"Port Huron, Michigan. She's at our offices there." Ruth picked up a piece of bread herself, tearing it into little pieces. "She sent me word once she got there, but the wires are all frozen and some collapsed so it's been difficult to hear from her."

Will's brow furrowed. "What's she doing in Michigan?"

She ate some of her bread before answering. "A storm, a hurricane really, blew through the lakes and oh, it's terrible." Ruth paused for a moment, her breath unsteady. "So many ships were lost, including one of ours."

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