Until We Meet Again

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"Did you hear anything unusual yesterday, ma'am?" Louise asked as she adjusted the plaid around my shoulders, making sure that it lay right over my white dress. "I heard something that sounded like a lady screaming at one point." I kept my lips squeezed shut, unwilling to talk about what Will had been doing to make me scream like that. The last thing I was going to tell my lady's maid was that my husband was blessed with a skilled tongue and made use of it fairly often. Or that he had left me with small bruises on my collarbone, and that I had returned the favor. Louise lifted the brooch, the pin awfully sharp. "Ma'am?"

"No, I'm afraid I didn't." I looked away, feeling my cheeks begin to flush. "Will and I were quite exhausted when we returned." Truth be told, when Will had been between my thighs, I really hadn't been aware of how loud I was being. My entire focus had been on his mouth, and there was little in me at that moment that cared about annoying the people around me.

"I'm sure you were." The smirk she wore made me want to ducky my head, but she had come around behind me and begun to thread ribbons through the braids she had put my hair into. "Perhaps it was just the wind, although it was so loud. It scared Reggie and I out of our wits."

I held still as she pinned the braids to my head. "Hopefully it doesn't storm today then. Are you quite sure it was the wind though? Perhaps it was a ghost, Scotland is so old there's bound to be some around here."

"I thoughts ghosts were all moans and groans." Louise came around to the front, considering me for a moment. "Not screams, perhaps I should ask Mr. Murdoch though. I'm sure he'd know if there were any local spirits." I clamped my lips shut as she continued. "Although I could have sworn I heard a male voice yell out too, Reggie said he would ask Mr. Murdoch and report back."

"Well, it hardly matters." I murmured, brushing down the dark skirt I was wearing and adjusting my shirtwaist underneath the plaid. "We're leaving tomorrow, I'm quite sure that whatever ghost made those noises won't be following."

"One would think so, but I heard something similar during the crossing." Louise reached out and adjusted my hair, but she smiled. "You know ma'am, I'm only teasing. It's good that you and Mr. Murdoch are so caring towards each other. I've heard of far too many marriages between your set that are unhappy, and I'm glad that is not the case here. I would just simply caution you to be a bit quieter when there are others around. Reggie and I had to spin quite a tale yesterday for the innkeeper."

I was quite sure my cheeks were flaming red. "Ah, yes, thank you Louise. I'll keep that in mind. Are you and Reggie going to be able to handle getting everything ready to head down to London tomorrow?"

"Of course, ma'am. Now, will there be anything else?" Louise stepped back, and at the shake of my head, bobbed and stayed behind as I stepped out into the inn. Will was already dressed in his full regalia. His kilt swirled around his knees, crisp white socks outlined his calves and his oxfords were freshly polished. I smiled as I took in the sight of him, his starched shirt and black tie, the dark vest and short jacket with their shining brass buttons. He really was a handsome man, and he gave a bow as he saw me.

"Ana, you look just lovely like that." He offered me an arm, leading us out of the inn.

I kept glancing out him out the side of my eye. "And you look absolutely marvelous. Are you sure I can't get you to wear that at home?" He only gave me a chuckle at that, holding me a bit closer as we arrived outside the photographer's store. It was rather small, but it seemed well kept. Jeanie, in her own plaid, was sitting on a chair inside while Samuel was looking at some of the pictures displayed on the wall. He was dressed the same as Will, except with one small difference. I looked to my husband. "Will, should you have a hat for this?"

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