An Interrupted Afternoon Tea

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I did my best not to pout the next morning when Will mumbled that he would be stepping out for the day. He was very sweet about it, cuddling me in bed. His voice was soft, "Ana, you know I would stay here all day if I could."

I sighed, running my fingers through his hair. "I know."

"But it will be good for you to get out, I'll drive you to the offices and you can have someone there drive you home when you're finished. Work always distracts you, you know that." He shifted to rest his head on my breast. "You won't even notice that I'm gone."

"I will," I mumbled, "But I suppose I can put up with it for a day. It's only today, right?"

"Correct," He pressed a kiss to my shoulder. "And then I'll be right back here. I promised you a good rogering, and I intend to follow through."

The thought of Will pinning me to the bed later mollified me a bit, enough that I didn't complain out loud as I got dressed in one of the nicer dresses I had found in town. It was a bit big around the bust, but it would be a project for me later. I would need plenty of things to do to distract me when Will was out again, tailoring my wardrobe would be a good start. There wasn't much for breakfast, and I found myself missing bacon of all things.

It would have made a nice accompaniment to the plain bread that I gnawed my way through.

Will was incredibly apologetic while he drove us to the offices, "Kate is doing the best she can with the rationing."

"I ship enough food over that there shouldn't be a need for rationing." I grumbled, leaning against him just to feel his muscles move as he drove the car.

Will pursed his lips, "Most of that goes to France, for the soldiers. People here won't starve, but things are rather lean."

"I suppose that means no champagne?" I rolled my eyes, "I could always start up a black market, there's bound to be some extra room on the ships that could be put to good use."

"You do that and Campbell will come sniffing around the company." He cautioned, turning onto the street that would take us to the dock. "I feel like I should keep checking the mirrors for him."

"He's probably back in London." I cast a quick glance to the mirror though, noting nothing out of the ordinary. "But I can tell some of the dock workers to keep an eye out."

"Unless they're in his pocket." Will shook his head, "Just be careful around the docks. I'm sure Welton will be interested to hear about him." He pulled close to the offices, parking in one of the few places that wasn't occupied by a truck. The Rolls-Royce drew quite a few envious looks, but the manager of the company rushing out to greet us drew even more.

Mr. Welton looked much the same, aside from a few threads of silver at his temples. He all but bowed over my hand, "Mrs. Murdoch, we were so relieved to hear of your survival."

"As was I," Will chuckled, "I think we've all had enough excitement for quite some time."

"Indeed," I gave Will's hand a squeeze, "I am looking to do something delightfully boring today while my husband heads out. I don't suppose there are reports and contracts to review?"

Mr. Welton nodded quickly, "Oh yes, I can arrange for some to be brought up to your office for you. Will Mr. Murdoch be staying?"

"I'm afraid I'm off to Portsmouth," Will leaned down, kissing my cheek. "Have someone drive her home when I'm finished, and make sure they don't scratch the car."

I kissed him, "More concerned for the car than your wife?"

"If I was, I wouldn't let you in it." He chuckled, and turned to move back to the main street where he could get a cab.

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