Letters and Tricks

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Ruth looked to Adam across her desk, her expression decidedly calm. Meanwhile Mr. Keller was fussing in his chair, twisting his hands and glancing to the window with a look on his face that would have made anyone suspicious. Ruth resisted reaching over to calm him, "Everything will be alright, Adam. Your man did switch the cargo manifests at the harbormaster's office?"

He nodded quickly, "Yes, and made sure to put the correct one back."

"Then we have nothing to worry about."

"You're playing with fire here, Mrs. Dalian."

"I'm merely distracting myself from my endless worry over my daughter, trapped in a war-torn country." She placed a hand to her heart, the picture of motherly love. "Surely you can understand that?"

Adam rolled his eyes, a smirk breaking out. "And surely you know what's going to happen now."

"Adam, all of the decisions that man makes come down to two purposes; to enrich himself and to embarrass my family. This provides him with an opportunity to do both, of course he's going to throw himself into it and not pause to think."

"Ruth, he's going to come into the offices. Your husband's office, your daughter's office, your office! He's going to berate you in front of officials, make you look incompetent and you consider that a distraction?"

"I consider that a distraction because he will be the one being berated by the end of it." She grinned, standing to look out the window. If she angled herself just right, and strained her eyes, she could see the very edge of the Reichster offices. Where the Dalian offices were warm red brick, Reichster had painted his offices a dull brown that she always wrinkled her nose at. Henry had claimed that it cut down on cost, he didn't have to clean it very often, but Ruth had always felt it lacked personality.

Gareth had never lacked for personality, both in himself and in his business.

He had insisted on a bright blue that would stand out on the docks, even if he had to have someone clean the sign and touch it up once every three months. He had been the one to insist on electric lighting and a heating system for the offices, something Reichster still hadn't gotten around to. He had always been full of ideas for how to improve the business, whether it was the offices or his ships.

Ruth was glad to have finally gotten a start on his final plan, an expansion of the warehouse and offices that included three more docks for their ships.

It had taken time, while Anastasia had been dealing with her engagement and wedding, Ruth had spoken with the former owners of the site and been negotiating. She had to admit she enjoyed it, getting the best deal out of them that she could was rather fun. When Gareth had first started becoming forgetful, he had asked her to help. He had been amused to see how she enjoyed it, and had encouraged her. But now he was gone, and she was left to manage things on her own.

Which meant she got to play her little games.

"There they are." Adam said, having joined her at the window. He gestured with his chin, drawing her attention. Henry Reichster was leading a half dozen men down the docks, his hand pointing right at their offices.

Ruth cocked her head, "He brought more than I expected."

"They're likely here to arrest you." Adam raised a brow, "They probably have handcuffs."

"And they'll go away empty handed." Ruth smirked. "How should we prepare? Perhaps they come in to find us discussing something secretive?"

"Such as what his daughter-in-law is doing at your house right now?" Adam shook his head. "Honestly, one trick is bad enough, but you had to go for two."

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