I'm Okay (A)

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Eventually I was wheeled back to the ER in line with on the other side of Bella, closest to the door. I had a grade 0-1 concussion, so taking today and tomorrow off should be all I need. Because the concussion was so minor and there was no internal injuries, I was fine to sleep. Good news for me because they gave me some medicine to do my stitches and to help with the pain... and it was making me a little loopy.

I could hear Tyler trying to apologize over and over again and Bella kept telling him she was fine. He then turned towards me, but I could only give him a thumbs up as I laid with my eyes closed.

I do recall Bella saying something about Edward pushing us away. I didn't see how it was possible, I mean I could barely push Bella out of the way before the van hit- but if he did push us that would explain the other injuries, I mean he was bigger and stronger than the two of us... And I do recall hearing his voice when I hit the ground.

I don't know how he got there, right now I was just thankful to be alive.

"Is she sleeping?" a musical voice asked. My eyes flew open.

"I'm awake" I called out, I don't know why, I could go to sleep.

I heard a quite chuckle and looked to see Bella and Edward looking at me "I'm fine, just go back to whatever you were doing. I'm not here, I'm not sleeping just resting my eyes"

"Hey, Edward, I'm really sorry —" Tyler began. Edward lifted a hand to stop him.

"No blood, no foul," he said, flashing his brilliant teeth. He moved to sit on the edge of Tyler's bed, facing Bella and me. I reached up to touch my head before turning to look at the door, hoping my mom or aunt would show up and let me go home.

"So, what's the verdict?" I heard Edward ask, but I wasn't sure who he was talking to. I assumed it was Bella... I mean he was right next to her and seemed to get along quite well with her in biology.

"There's nothing wrong with me at all, but they won't let me go," Bella complained.

"and Alex? How's the head?" I heard Edward ask. I turned towards him probably looking drugged up like a crazy person. I felt like one, it was weird, and I didn't like it at all. I just wanted to sleep and wake up fine.

"Stitches? Teeny Tiny concussion...Pretty sure that's it... I'm fine" I waved off.

"How come you aren't strapped to a gurney like the rest of us?"

"it's cause his dads a doctor" I replied

"you're moms a doctor and you're strapped to a gurney" Bella added.

"that's true... I'm also a little drugged up so you shouldn't take anything I say seriously"

"It's all about who you know," Edward answered. "But don't worry, I came to spring you."

Then a doctor walked around the corner. He was young, he was blonde... and he was handsomer than any movie star I'd ever seen. He was pale, though, and tired looking, with circles under his eyes.

Dr. Cullen always looked like this though, I thought it was a side effect of being a doctor and stressed, but my mom and aunt never looked like that. I wonder if it was makeup, or they got better sleep?

Behind him were two more blonde doctors. My mother and aunt; they looked alike save for facial features. My mom's face was a little longer and looked just like me when she smiled. Our features were a little softer than my aunts, who had a sharper jawline.

"So, Miss Swan," Dr. Cullen said in a remarkably appealing voice, that both Alice and Edward had... I wondered briefly if Rosalie sounded like that too... then realized it had to be better than the others. "how are you feeling?"

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