I'm Still a personal heater (A)

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I walked up the steps to the home entering through the open door. Rosalie nor Bella were anywhere in sight. I looked around wildly, hoping I'd missed them somewhere, my heart squeezing against my ribs.

"They're all right," Edward whispered. "Or the same, I should say."

Edward was on the couch with his face in his hands; he hadn't looked up to speak. Esme was next to him, her arm wrapped tight around his shoulders.

"hello Alex" Esme spoke from her spot I smiled slightly and nodded.

"Hello Esme... where are they?" I asked seeking out both the girls. For different reasons of course, Bella as a sister and Rosalie as a mate. Either way I didn't want to lose either of them.

"Bathroom," Alice told me. "Mostly fluid diet, you know. Plus, the whole pregnancy thing does that to you, I hear."

"Ah. Yeah I don't know about that... the whole reproductive system thing. I mean I learned it in school but never experienced anything that comes with it."

"Really?" Carlisle asked as her moved to sit next to Esme

"Really, never had a period... or even grew body hair like normal people."


"glad I can help." I shrugged. I heard a door open and turned around to see Rosalie and Lucia helping Bella back to the couch.

"hey Alex" Bella breathed out.

"hey, heard you were looking for me"

Esme and Edward both got up. I watched how carefully Lucia laid Bella out on the couch. I watched how, despite that, Bella turned white and held her breath— like she was set on not making any noise no matter how much it hurt.

Edward brushed his hand across her forehead and then along her neck. He tried to make it look as if he was just sweeping her hair back, but it looked like a doctor's examination to me.

"Are you cold?" he murmured.

"I'm fine."

"Bella, you know what Carlisle told you," Rosalie said. "Don't downplay anything. It doesn't help us take care of either of you."

I agreed with Rosalie, looking over her. She smiled a me then moved towards me to embrace me. I carefully wrapped my arm around her rubbing her back.

"Okay, I'm a little cold. Edward, can you hand me that blanket?"

I looked at Edward "isn't that why Seth or I are here."

"You just walked in," Bella said. "After running all day, I'd bet. Put your feet up for a minute. I'll probably warm up again in no time."

I sighed, knowing it would be easier for me to help. Rosalie seemed to understand this and led me over towards the couch where I sat on the floor, I wasn't sure I could sit on the couch. Bella looked pretty brittle, and I was afraid to move her, even to put my arms around her. So, I just leaned carefully against her side.

"Thanks Alex" she shivered.

"don't mention it... personal heater remember" I mumbled remembering the battle. Rosalie sat next to me, my hand in her lap. Edward sat on the arm of the sofa by Bella's feet, his eyes always on her face. Alice was on the other side of the couch, I let my mind wander.

Would this be what it's like when Bella becomes one of them? Just all of us sitting around the living room. Even under these circumstances it felt right, all of us. It was unfortunate the peace was interrupted by the sound of my stomach. I sighed looking down at the offending organ.

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