Not so great gifts (A)

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I wasn't the only one to notice, Edward and Seth did as well. The others couldn't tell the difference from one wolf to another, so Seth blocked out Jacob. He may be an Amarok, but he still had the scent of the Quileutes-only because his Amarok DNA is further back than his Quileute.

But to Seth and me, Jacob was Jacob, we knew his scent just as Edward knew his mind. I glanced at Seth giving him a signal to be on guard, while slowly maneuvering Rosalie and I closer to the edge of the dance floor. Seth understood and cautiously moved away from the group, handing his mom off to Billy.

I listened as Edward left Bella and Jacob to have a private conversation. He showed back up going to dance with Esme, but remained close by just in case.

We weren't the only ones worried though as the sound of paws in the woods appeared. Sam was concerned Jacob might trash the party too. This could be too much for him.

I gave Jacob credit though; he was holding up just fine. More grown up and responsible, I knew deep down he still loved Bella, and wished she was with him, remaining human permanently.

"I don't want to spend my honeymoon writhing in pain" I caught Bella saying. My shoulders tensed. I knew this, I knew Bella wanted a real honeymoon, I got it, the desire to be intimate.

But Jacob he wouldn't like that, even though he'd have to be careful having sex with a human too. Not quite as much but still.

Rosalie looked at me in understanding. "I'll distract the others" she whispered before kissing my cheek and going to stand next to Charlie and my mom.

I caught Seth and Edwards eye and the three of us got closer to the edge of the reception, out of the view of the party goers, all except the Cullen's and their family who watched or helped distract everyone.

"what's the point." Jacob snarked "it's not like you're gonna have a real honeymoon with him anyway"

"it's going to be as real as anyone else's" Bella muttered, from where I was standing I could see she was starting to get a little irritated and uncomfortable. I mean not only was she talking about something private with someone else but also an entire group of people she may not really know.

"that's a sick joke" then his face turned angry "you are joking"

Bella looked at him her face showing her answer.

Jacob stepped back "What? While you're still human? You cant be serious Bella. Tell me you're not that stupid"

She glared at him. "Butt out, Jake. This is so not your business. I shouldn't have... we shouldn't even be talking about this. It's private - "

His enormous hands gripped the tops of her arms, wrapping all the way around, fingers overlapping. "No! You can't do this"


"Listen to me Bella!"

"Jake! Let me go!" Bella called out forcing our hands.

Edward appeared right next to Bella. I looked to make sure no one saw it, before walking with Seth towards the group.

"Jacob, calm down now" Edward said.

"are you out of your mind! Huh! You'll kill her!"

Seth grabbed Jacob from behind while I stood in front of Bella, pushing her back slightly.

"walk away Jake!" Seth struggled as Jacob threw him down.

"I'll kill you," Jacob said, his voice so choked with rage that it was low as a whisper, but everyone heard it. His eyes, focused on Edward, burned with fury. "I'll kill you myself! I'll do it now!"

Jacob shuddered convulsively, his body shaking with barely restrained rage. I heard the others phase back so I walked up to Jacob, my hand place on his chest pushing him back with the help of Seth. Once we got close enough Embry and Quil grabbed him.

Unfortunately for us Jacob was so angry that even the four of us couldn't stop him. He shuddered again and threw all of us off trying to swing his fist at anyone that got in the way.

The boys landed on the ground; Edward stopped me from falling all the way as I was thrown into both of them. I did break a heel, but wasn't hurt.

No one was really hurt thankfully, but Jacob was still irate.

"Enough Jacob!" Sam's stern voice filtered the air.

"Stay out it Sam!" Jacob growled before turning back towards Edward.

"you won't start something that we'll have to finish... And you won't start something that would hurt Alex's mate"

"he'll kill her" Jacob called out.

"it's not your concern Jacob." I spoke "this is her choice and her choice to make."

Sam nodded, with me as Embry and Seth shrugged agreeing with us. They didn't want to kill the Cullen's over this, they didn't want to risk forcing a war.

Jacob looked at all of us, throwing a murderous gaze at Edward, before storming off. The others followed. Sam stopped at the edge looking at Seth.

"I'll keep an eye on him" I told Sam who nodded. I didn't want to make Seth leave if he wasn't ready, plus Sue and Billy were still here. Sam nodded leaving the four of us.

"I'm sorry... I don't know how it got to the subject of-"

"it's not your fault, Bella" I told her, placing my hand on Seth's shoulder to take my heels off. "we're going to get back. But don't blame this on you, Bella. He doesn't need to know about that, besides it's like him telling you to not to fly because planes can crash..."

"totally different" Bella added.

I shrugged "maybe, okay sky diving. But he can't say anything it's your choice. It's not like sex with him would be any safer" I added before walking away.

When I reappeared, I could see Alice rushing around.

She handed me a new pair of heels, with a stern look and ran off to dispose of the other pair. With the help of Seth, I got them on, and we mingled back into the crowd easily.

It was as if no one noticed us missing, but there was a group of people who knew we disappeared. Rosalie managed to make her way back to me quickly. Her eyes examined my body as if to detect even the faintest disrupting. Her hand combed through my hair but other than that there was nothing.

"I'm fine, I promise" I murmured into her hair, as I pulled he close. As the night continued I was passed around the family, Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, Esme. The dance with Alice was cut short when she suggested some overly complicated dance.

I finished with a dance with Rose avoiding the pixie before she suggested something that got me hurt. "you know she'll only demand that you learn some of those dances" Rose whispered her nose brushing the underside of my jaw.

"I have time" I chuckled still looking out for the pixie. Thankfully she found Bella and swept her away to change out of her wedding dress.

The guests made an aisle for the bride and groom to walk through. Everyone applauded when Edward kissed her on the doorstep, then he rushed her to the car as the rice storm began. Most of it went wide, but someone, probably Emmett, threw with uncanny precision.

Once the bride and groom were away the other guest began filtering out slowly. I stayed behind to help my them clean, making sure to say goodbye to all my family and friends.

It took less time to clean up than it did to set up and soon we were all looking into a clean clearing. The others began moseying to do their own thing as Rosalie whisked me away.

The Denali family would head home soon, but it would be nice to give them some time with their friends.

I drove us back to my home, where I found an empty house.

"I guess they're staying away"

Rosalie looked at me with a smile before guiding me to my room. I approached her slowly, placing my hands on her hips before kissing her exposed shoulder.

"one day you'll be the one in the white dress... I promise" 

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