Injuries (A)

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If I were being honest, I wanted to be with my mom, I wanted that comfort that came with being hugged by her.

"okay" she replied opening the door for me before getting into the car and turning the heat up. She started driving towards home looking back at me slightly as she made it to the main road. I reached down to grab my jacket, engulfing myself in more warmth.

I knew I needed to tell my aunt, but I also wanted to be a fair distances from the vampire. Yes, Vampire. The ice-cold skin gave me the last piece of evidence I needed.

"Al? are you going to tell me what happened?"

I nodded slightly "I think... I think I need to go to the hospital"

"What!" my aunt looked back at me, and I grimaced, I shouldn't have worded it that way

"I think I broke my thumb" I replied cradling my hand, now that the adrenaline was gone, I could feel how painful it was, my whole wrist actually. It was bruised for sure.

"Shit" she whispered under her breath, as she dug through the console to grab something. Her hand reached across the dividing line handing me a small bottle of sprite. "drink this and just relax, okay"

I grabbed the bottle a small nod "okay" I took a few sips not really ready to admit everything before I needed too. I knew I would have to before we got to the hospital, but I wanted to drag it out.

"I need you to tell me what happened" she said after we crossed the boundary into Forks.

"I went to the library then the bookstore, like I said but when I left the bookstore I ran into Bella"

"yeah, I saw here, and Carlisle's son"

"he only showed up afterwards."

"after what?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, an involuntary shiver climbing up my spine. "Bella wanted to go to the other bookstore, and I offered to lead her, since it was along the way back. But I was distracted and not thinking, and I led us further into Port Angeles... it was my fault"

"what was your fault?" she looked at me after a moment "Al? what was your fault?"

"there were these guys and they... they were following us, and I freaked out led us the wrong way and they encircled us. They were drunk and... and they..." I couldn't say the word even now "I punched one of them, he didn't like that, so he pushed me against the wall. I thought about kneeing him, but he grabbed my wrist, and I couldn't think. Then Edward showed up and scared them away, at least enough for us to get out of there." I rushed out in a breath.

Eve didn't say a word, she just drives until we are pulling into the hospital. "okay, we're going to go in here and getting you checked out. I need to be sure nothing else is wrong."

I nodded and followed after her. The hour-long drive had allowed me to calm down a little, I wasn't in shock, because I had some sugar. I could tell Eve was still weary, she was waiting for me to drop or for something else to happen. And truthfully, I needed to be sure nothing else was wrong.

When we got into the hospital, much like the time before and every other time I've had to be hospitalized, for one reason or another, I was rushed to the emergency room. Perks of a small-town hospital, it was usually not very busy. But there was also the perks of your parent being a doctor.

It was only then when I thought about it that I remembered my mom. "what am I going to tell mom?"

"you tell her what you told me; she's not going to blame you for anything. She might baby you for a little, which is why I'm not going to call her because no one needs that right now"

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