Trips (A)

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Leah did not have a passport, but it wasn't a big deal really. All she needed was a birth certificate or our tribal card. Leah had her driver's license just to be safe.

We didn't have any issues at the border though, two young females weren't really a threat. We drove probably faster than we should have but we do have much better reflexes than humans.

"so, this is where you went, that month you were gone?" Leah asked as we drove down a dirt road leading to our hiding spot. We would hide my car then run a few hundred miles into the park before camping out for the night. I knew the fastest way into the village, so we weren't getting lost this time.

"yeah, it's really peaceful. Korinna taught me a lot. Maybe we can find out if the Clearwater's are part Amarok too. Worst case we spend a week relaxing and doing nothing"

"god, worst case scenario sounds perfect"

I chuckled as we pulled off the dirt road and into a small abandoned dirt lot. I pulled into the tree line slightly so that we could hide it from the prying eye.

With that we grabbed our bags and began running through the woods, letting the feeling of the trees brush through our fur. I could feel the excitement coming from Leah, the feeling of just being free.

No worries, nothing.

We set up camp outside the boundaries of the village. We didn't bring a tent because we wouldn't need one, instead we through a sleeping bag on the ground and watched the stars and the northern lights filtering the sky.

The next morning, we got up at dawn and ran began our hike. The village was close and Korinna and Hector should be awake by now.

"you're not going to get into trouble for bringing me here, are you?" Leah asked as we reached the crest of the village. It doesn't look like much from here as everything was hidden. But when you focused you could see the tipi's that used the tree's they were hidden within to build them. Korinna said the tribe was about 100 people, it was an appropriate number since they hunters and gatherers. We couldn't grow much in the ways of plants.

Korinna was sitting by the fire, Hector was moving about, I knew they heard me since I wasn't trying to be quite. Once I got into the center of the village Korinna replied.

"I figured you'd be back again" she turned to look at me a smile on her face, then she turned to Leah giving her the same smile "and you brought another. I'm assuming by her lack of coat that she is too a wolf."

I nodded "this is Leah Clearwater. We had some questions and well just needed some air"

"yes, the Pack is a man's game I suspect"

Leah snorted "you have no idea"

"come, we have some broth and i will try and answer any questions you have, but I already have an idea"

The two of us sat by the fire with Korinna and Hector. We delved into the story, everything really. Leah's transformation, my mate, Jacobs issues.

"hmmm. Well, I can tell you that in all the time I've been alive, and it's been a while." Korinna chuckled "the Quileutes have never had a female shifter. I believe the gene is only active on the Y chromosome. To ensure the strongest fighters or something like that, I'm not exactly sure. But the Amarok do not share this, in fact the X chromosome carries the gene."

"so, everyone phases" I added.

"yes. Females do tend to phase earlier than their male counter parts. Usually just before they turn 20"

I turned to look at Leah, she was 19. "further proof?"

She nodded "yeah, but my family doesn't have... do they?" she looked at Korinna.

Korinna smiled with sympathy at Leah. "it depends on who your father was"

"Harry Clearwater" Leah answered.

"Hmmm. He was a good kid; I can only assume he turned into a good man if he has his own family. But to answer your question. The Amarok DNA is engrained in the Quileute tribe through a few lines but one important one. The Bayak family."

Leah and I shared a look, we shared a great-great grandfather. Diakos Bayak. Korinna looked at us understanding what we were thinking. "Yes, my father. My half-sister. She married and has a daughter, Azra." Her eyes flickered to Leah "you know who she is, don't you?"

Leah nodded "my grandmother"

Leah didn't seem happier to hear this, but it did make sense. Korinna seemed to know exactly what Leah was thinking, I wondered if that was a wisewoman trait.

"that is good news."

"how?" Leah asked quietly "I'm still a wolf and I have to give up everything"

"no, my child. You do not. It seems hopeless now because you are still new to this. But things will get easier, you will gain better control. You will find your mate and one day you will have children of your own. It has all been fore told by the spirits."

"how do you know that? The spirits?"

Korinna smiled "Alex was just the same when she came. More about science. But somethings don't have an explanation. It is almost guaranteed the only reason you phased is because of Alex and the Amarok gene"

"me?" I asked looking around.

"you two are important to each other. A bond that is hard to come by" Hector added "you needed each other. Imprints"

Leah and I shared a confused look.

"the two of you are connected." Hector clarified.

"yes, it is reasonable to believe that the presence of Alex did add to your phasing. The gene has been known to appear in families we've never seen when others are around. It's a desire for the gene to return, the tribe. Without a wolf around you would have been fine, human. but even if one wolf showed up you probably would have phased. That's what happened to Alex and I'm sure her genes pulled at yours causing you to phase. And the Amarok's can have children"

"really? I thought I could never, I mean i've stopped..."

"yes, phasing does tend to do that. And the Amarok are usually infertile until sexual maturity. Which is about 2 to 3 years after phasing, depending on the circumstances. If you've already mated it could be sooner."

"so, I should be able to have kids?" Leah asked, the happiness was evident in both her tone and facial expression.

"yes, you will need to stop phasing while pregnant but that is understandable. When you are ready you will know. It's written more in that journal I gave you." Korinna looked at me.

"I haven't read much of it" I admitted sheepishly.

"that's okay" Hector spoke up "we told you the legends and stories, it's really only a learning tool or reference"

"if Leah is an Amarok, it could be why your wolf is also lankier."

"we just assumed it was because I was a girl" Leah nodded. "and Seth because he was younger."

"I guess that's why the two of you aren't built like the others" I joked, earning a shoulder punch from the girl.

"well, we could have the ritual if you'd like Leah. The initiation to the tribe"

Leah looked up in shock but then looked at me. I shrugged "if you want you are a descendant I mean she is your great aunt, but we really can't be gone for a month"

Korinna and Hector smirked before getting up "it really only takes a week at most"

I looked at them "wait, a week?"

Leah laughed as she got up to follow the others "that's so uncool. You dragged it out for a month, I kept thinking I was doing something wrong." I got up to follow after them "I had to skin so many Caribou"

"and you can skin somemore" Hector called out with a laugh. 

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