More Training (AB)

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Alex POV

I woke up with Rosalie's head in my neck, her hand rubbing circles on my stomach. I stretched, throwing my hand around her back settling on her waist. "I'm worried about it; I don't want you to get hurt"

I let out a sigh moving my hand up to her head, allowing my fingers to thread through her hair. "I have to be there, i couldn't be anywhere else but with you."

Her head burrowed deeper into my neck; she placed a kiss on it before getting up. "you need to eat"

I nodded, feeling the grumble of my stomach.

"how long have I been asleep?" I asked as I looked out the window to see the sun coming from the wrong direction.

"a long while, you haven't sleep much in the past few days" she replied from the edge of the bed. Judging by the placement of the sun it was afternoon now.

"I should head home, see my mom. I need to get my mom on the Reservation for the night. Get everything set up. And I need to talk to Sam..."

Rosalie nodded "Jasper's going to do another training later"

I nodded standing in front of her. "I'll be back by then, I promise"

She nodded a small smile on her lips as she kissed me sending me on my way. I walked through the house not hearing anyone, I'm guessing they were focusing on making sure they are well fed before the fight.

By the time I made it home my mom was making dinner. I stepped into the kitchen probably looking like a mess.

"hey guys"

"Well, well, well. she returns." Eve smirked "did you have as much fun as the rest of us?"

I closed my eyes cringing at the thought of that, but also because I needed to find a lie to tell them. "no... no I did not"

I sighed; my mom obviously picked up on the change in atmosphere.

"what's wrong?"

"I need you guys to stay out of Forks Friday night into Saturday morning."

"what? Why?" Eve asked looking frantic.

"just trust me, go to La Push, stay with Emily or Mark... All night, convince Charlie to stay too. I don't know get drunk and pass out at Billy's or something" I practically begged. "You'll be safe"

They relented. They knew there was some things I couldn't tell them, somethings it was better to keep secret. "I won't tell you everything, I can't but just know we're going to handle the Seattle thing"

"I thought that was a gang?" my mom said as she pulled out plates. For a brief moment I thought about laughing, every time we have a conversation like this we're eating.

"it's best if you don't know"

They nodded, a small ounce of fear passing through their eyes. I knew my mom wanted to press the issue, she wanted to know exactly what was going on, what I was getting myself into. She was also fighting the urge to do that and to let me grow up.

"my appearances at home are going to be a little sporadic the next few days. I'm going to try and be around but there are things we need to prepare for."

Eve and my mom tried to avoid thinking about what was coming. Instead, they focused on anything else, work, their significant others. They then asked about Rosalie, Eve having noticed the new ring on my necklace, asked how Rosalie liked hers.

"I can't believe baby Al is engaged before me. Or before Charlie's popped the question" Eve replied, my mom nodded agreeing with the previous statement.

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