New Plans (A)

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All of us got to the house and were prepared to leave. Packed for whatever journey we needed to go on. Rose packed a simple bag for Demetri, like Alice said we were going to Canada. To get some more of my kind. She then changed into more comfortable clothing; we would use the cover of dark. I could run faster than we could drive, and I could be there in a few hours.

"are you sure you should go?" Leah asked, "I could get there fast and get their help. they could come here, and you'd still be ready for any new wolves"

"more wolves?" Esme asked, I nodded.

"the scent it... well I'm not exactly sure how it happens. But Sam said when the smell it if they are of age they will phase.

"the scent didn't bother you" Emmett said "you went to school with us and had practically every class with Edward"

I shook my head "my phasing wasn't based on the appearance of Vampires, it based on age and maturity. My dad phased when he was 21 or so. I guess my body held out as long as it could, it saw you guys leaving as a threat."

"us leaving was a threat?" Carlisle asked.

I shrugged "yeah, it all started when Edward left. Bella wondered further into the woods and got lost or stayed where she was? No one really knows but I went out with the group to find her and that started it. I got sick... simple cold and hypothermia. Then I was okay for a week or so then sick again, then okay and then sick" I looked at everyone "you get the picture. But in the middle of October, I got really sick. Everyone thought it was an auto immune thing, or that's what my mom told them. It was fine in the beginning, just sick. But the night before I phased was the most painful – it was like when you reset my bones"

I heard a gasps from Rose and Esme. "it was that bad?" Rose asked looking at Demetri. I looked down at him, we were a little less concerned about his aging since he had the genes to phase and that would keep him alive forever, like me.

"it was only for a few hours, it demanded me to get outside and away from my mom. It's okay, it was worth it. but I guess my mind said it was dangerous to be left alone without protection. Plus Sam was around, so that helped."

The others nodded and seemed to accept that refocusing on their task at hand, they went upstairs to change, preparing for the journey.

Leah remained by my side. I looked at Rose who looked between Leah and I before her eyes focused on Demetri... "Leah's right, we can't risk him getting hurt or sick. Leah can do it"

"she's faster than us anyway" Seth added. I nodded.

"okay, you know what to do?"

Leah smiled "you can trust me to do this. I wont fail."

I gave her a hug and then Leah ran out of the house beginning her journey.

Esme returned having traded her dress for a sturdy-looking pair of jeans, running shoes, and a button-down shirt made of the thick weave that backpackers used for long trips. Rosalie stayed the same, in her silk wrapped dress.

There was a globe on the coffee table, but they were done looking at it, just waiting for Bella and Edward. Rose believed Lucia and Leah when they promised to get everything done.

Plus, Demetri didn't want us to go. And the time we had could be limited, so Rose wanted every second. The atmosphere was more positive now than before; it felt good to them to be in action. Their hopes were pinned on Alice's instructions.

"We're to stay here?" Edward asked, looking at Carlisle. He didn't sound happy.

"Alice said that we would have to show people Renesmee and Demetri, and we would have to be careful about it," Carlisle said. "We'll send whomever we can find back here to you - Edward, you'll be the best at fielding that particular minefield."

Edward gave one sharp nod, still not happy. "There's a lot of ground to cover."

"We're splitting up," Emmett answered. "Lucia and I are searching for nomads"

"You'll have your hands full here," Carlisle said. "Tanya's family will be here in the morning, and they have no idea why. First, you have to persuade them not to react the way Irina did. Second, you've got to find out what Alice meant about Eleazar. Then, after all that, will they stay to witness for us? It will start again as the others come - if we can persuade anyone to come in the first place." Carlisle sighed. "Your job may well be the hardest. We'll be back to help as soon as we can. Alex must care for the wolves, ensuring they are ready and look after any new additions. Leah is going to talk to Hector and find more of her kind, maybe they know something."

"Renesmee can show them... and Demetri." I looked at Edward "it's safer for them here"

We sat around for a long time, Bella was having some sort of mental battle, one that I know each of us were experiencing. So, to bring a sense of normalcy I tried to pretend things were fine.

I sat down with the kids and watched a movie, a Christmas movie since the holiday was coming. At some point though the kids got bored. I'm not exactly sure what led to it, but it was a beautiful sound.

I had Demetri hanging by his feet, laughing like a maniac as I tickled him. At one point he called out for Seth's help, but he only joined me in making the boy laugh.

"Mommy" he called in between laughs, I watched as Rose came over a wide smile on her face. He reached towards her, and Seth and I stopped for a moment so that he didn't get hurt.

"come here my little man"

She had him on her waist and he looked back at us a smile still on his face but was calming down. His expression was one filled with happiness, and he was slightly smug. Seth and I only laughed harder.

"that's fine..." I slyly looked at Seth, then went and picked both Rose and Demetri. They both let out a squeal.

"momma!" the laughter continued as Seth began tickling him again. I could see Edward looking on with a smile, one of the first ones he had since finding out the news.

After a few seconds Renesmee came up and patted my leg "Aunt Alex, that's not nice"

I looked down at her my smile wide and eyebrows up "oh really..." I sat Rose and Demetri down "well, then..." quickly I swung Renesmee up and began doing the same. Much like Demetri her laugh rang out.

I let her down after Demetri came to rescue his cousin. They both ran off with Seth. Rosalie leaned against me, my hand behind her back holding onto her waist.

"he's going to get too big for you to do that" Rose murmured. I smiled kissing her forehead.

"yeah, but I'm still strong enough to pick you up" I picked her up bridal style and spun her around. When I sat her down she stood in front of me, her hands around my neck.

"let's go to our room" she whispered "it might be the last time we can"

I allowed her to drag me upstairs with the knowledge that Seth was watching Demetri. 

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