Any Day Now (A)

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'do you find it hard to stay away from your friends?' Embry asked as we ran patrol. Sam was finally convinced we could do it alone. I thought about his question, was it hard to stay away from them? Sure, I missed the guys and Angela, but I was always missing school.

'sometimes' I answered 'but I had more time to separate from everyone. I was sick for a long time'

'I remember that we were all worried about you'

'so was I, I could hardly sleep or eat. But I was glad when I finally phased, it meant I felt good. For the first time in my life, I was healthy.'

'what about your family? Do you find it hard not to tell them?'

I stopped for a moment sniffing the ground 'they know about me being a wolf, but they don't know what exactly we protect them from. They just think I run around to get out extra energy or anger. It's safer that way'

'you think I should tell my mom?'

'only if you want to, I think it does make it easier. Paul and Jared are old enough that their parents aren't as worried. But Jared's grandfather knows about it, and I'm assuming Paul's mom knows the legends. But it's up to you. I think if my mom knew everything it would make her worry more.'

'I guess you're right'

'it's all up to you Embry, you have to do what's best' he nodded and the two of us finished up our patrol.

The next morning, I passed out in my bed, with the knowledge that Jacob was having a spike in temperature. He was going to phase soon, we all knew that, but we hoped it wouldn't happen.

Billy always wanted to be a wolf, a protector but when he didn't and got the peaceful life, that's all he wanted for his kids. He hoped, in vain that Jacob wouldn't phase. But if I did then Jacob was only a matter of time.

He like I, didn't really stand a chance. We both had 3 of the four families in our blood.

Turns out we didn't need to wait long, one week, just like everyone else. That was all it took. It was Billy that forced it out of him, he made a simple comment and Jacob freaked out.

When it happened Sam and I met Jacob at his house. Of course, Jacob was freaked out and in denial. He hated what happened and wished he could stop it. The worst part was the rules.

No Bella.

That was the hardest part, and I wasn't confident he wouldn't break that rule. Jacob turned down position as Alpha, though I was a little irritated that they offered that to Jacob but not me. Ephraim was my great grandfather too... it had to be because I was the illegitimate grandchild.

Jacob wasn't too bothered with that though.

Eventually Sam and Billy began talking in private, about getting the council together so Jacob and Embry could hear the legends, all of them.

He still had his head in his hands, I couldn't be sure what he was thinking but he kept playing with his hair. The planes of his face seemed to have hardened subtly, tightened... aged. His neck and his shoulders were different, too, thicker somehow, just like everyone else.

"so, this is why you started hanging out with Sam?" he asked suddenly.

I smiled tightly "yeah, I got sick. And then I felt angry all of a sudden, angry and in pain like I was being stung by a million bee stings. I just managed to get outside and away from my mom when I phased for the first time."

"this is awful" he moaned.

"I'm sorry, but it's something you can't control. No one can, the only thing you can do is make the best of it"

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