Stronger (A)

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Rosalie and I arrived at the Cullen house a day after I woke up. When we got there Rosalie led me inside, where the rest of the Cullens (minus Edward) were in attendance. They were lounging around the house, Carlisle and Esme were waiting in the living room, Emmett and Lucia were playing some sort of video game, Alice was reading some sort of fashion magazine, and Jasper was just watching on.

"Alex!" Alice called out hopping over towards me to wrap her dainty hands around me. I chuckled and patted her on the back.

"hey Alice"

Carlisle stood up and approached "Alex, it's good to see you awake and healed"

I nodded waving to the others before focusing on Carlisle.

Rosalie was right next to me her hand on the small of my back. "Carlisle, did you find anything?"

He nodded "yes. How about we sit down, and we can discuss everything"

Carlisle led us to the kitchen where the entire family joined us. I played with Rosalie's fingers trying to hope for good news, but I would give up my wolf if I could spend eternity with Rose. I didn't like the idea and it would take some time to get used to, but I would eventually.

"I did take some bloodwork when I was bandaging you, I also have a copy of your bloodwork from last spring. I would like to take another sample if you'll allow, to compare"

"okay" I replied, Carlisle had his equipment next to him, he gave a signal to the others so that we had some privacy. I knew it was because if for some reason my blood had a smell it wouldn't be a good thing. I noticed though that Esme stayed in the doorway.

Carlisle began prepping the needle, the moment he placed it to my skin and tried to push it in it bent. Carlisle pulled it back with an expression I couldn't quite explain. "well, that is different. Do you mind if I try another way?" he asked gesturing to a scalpel.

I shook my head "you can try" Carlisle took the scalpel. But much like the needle it broke. I looked up in concern, meeting Carlisle's eyes before flickering to Esme and Rosalie.

"there is of course one other option" Carlisle used his nail to pierce the skin, I was half expecting nothing to happen. But to my relief there was still blood, bright red and normal. Carlisle took the blood that pooled quickly before the wound sealed and place it on a microscope slide, then cleaned up any remaining blood and burning the evidence.

"just in case" he said. I turned to look at Rosalie, my fingers still intertwined with hers. She remained silent, waiting for any answer.

In a matter of seconds Carlisle returned his face one of awe.

"when we took a blood sample in Phoenix, you had 23 pairs of chromosome, like a normal human. I never looked into it passed the Rhnull type. But when we discovered you had phased I took the liberty of examining it further. The sample I took five days ago held 25 chromosomes, the same as Vampires. I assumed at the time that this was added when you phased and became a full Amarok." He looked up at me "Your blood today has 26 chromosomes; I'd assume one given by the venom."

"What are you saying Carlisle?" Rosalie asked, her hand squeezing mine.

"I'm not sure, her skin is much stronger than it was before. I think we should see what else has changed. Starting with whether you can still phase" he spoke gently. I nodded and followed him out into the clearing behind the house. I was terrified. I walked away from the others and hid behind a tree like I usually would.

I didn't think about it I just let my instincts take over, imagining myself on four legs. My ears were filled with the sounds of breaking bones and explosion of fur. I looked down to see my paws in front of me. I stepped out to see Rosalie.

I could see her smile and it was a good sign, at least something was normal. After a moment and a little circle, I returned to my human form and walked back to Rose and Carlisle with a smile on my face. I could hear the chuckles of Alice who was watching from above.

The next test was my strength, since I already had a sample against Rosalie it was easy for us to test. It was a draw, neither Rose nor I could beat each other, which meant I was just as strong as her. And not as strong as a newborn, which I knew was a fear we all had. Speed? I was still slower than they were but that was okay, because I could still beat them in my wolf form.

After all the tests it was a conclusion that I had inherited some vampiric abilities while still remaining 'human' or an Amarok. I had a small tinge of crimson in my eyes like the newborns, but it faded to a portion of gold (because I eat animals or so we thought) then it faced to green to prove I was still an Amarok. I had no desire to drink blood, nor did I have an unquenchable thirst.

It was a blessing; I was still myself just stronger.

And that extra strength put Rosalie at ease, as she became more relaxed around me, willing to not hold back. It made for an intense night.

The next few days I stayed at home, cleaning and helping around the house. But on my free day, I went to La Push, it was time to see the pack.

Leah was the first one to greet me when I pulled up to the pack house, followed by Seth.

"Alex" Seth called out as the others rushed out to greet me. Sam was the last one, and like the others he engulfed me in a hug.

"we thought the worst. The blo- Rosalie" Sam amended "wouldn't let us visit."

I nodded "yeah, there was a good reason behind that." I sighed "the newborns, they bit me. they were afraid I would turn. Rosalie and well Emmett kept a watch over me and kept my mom and Eve away"

"it didn't happen though" Paul added "I mean right?"

"No. The venom spent 3 days trying to take over, but my DNA and the wolf gene prevented it from happening."

"so, you're still you? You're not dangerous?" Sam asked.

I shook my head again "nope, the Amarok genes beat it... kinda like an infection. I'm just a little bit stronger in human form than before, like my skin but that's it. No weird cravings or blood lust. Trust me I've spent time with my mom and aunt with no issues."

The pack seemed to accept this and welcomed me back into the house where Emily prepared lunch. I spent the rest of the day with them, joking around and acting like normal.

After a few hours with the pack I ventured off with Leah, the two of us sitting along the cliffs like we usually did.

"so what happens now?" she asked. I pursed my lips.

"I don't know, I know I'll leave with Rose, I want to be with her... I just don't know how."

"you'll figure it out, I know you will."


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