Trails (A)

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I woke the next morning to Rosalie's fingers dancing along the bare skin of my back, her fingers softly trailed down the contours of my spine. Occasionally she placing kisses along my back.

I turned my head smiling at the naked beauty in front of me, only a thin sheet covering her bottom half. The sun was bright outside the window-wall when I woke, with small clouds scuttling too quickly across the sky. The wind rocked the treetops till the whole forest looked as if it was going to shake apart.

"we have to get up, Edward will be waiting for you" she murmured placing a kiss on my lips. I nodded standing up allowing the blanket to fall completely. I saw Rosalie trail her eyes down my front.

"do you think we have enough time for a shower?"

Rosalie laughed before allowing me to pull her towards the bathroom for a shower, that took longer than necessary. It was something about the mate bond, intimacy with her was so much more than ever before, each touch was electric, it was both too much yet not enough all at the same time.

When I walked out of the bathroom freshly changed in a tank top and a pair of shorts. Rosalie walked out with me a smirk on her face. "what?"

She shook her head slightly "nothing, I'm just glad you heal fast, otherwise we wouldn't be able to do that. I guess I'm not able to control myself as I thought I would. be"

I rolled my eyes playfully "we were in a hurry; we'll get better at that."

"so, there's a next time."

I smiled widely "oh I hope so, though I do enjoy taking my time"

Rosalie laughed her forehead pressed against mine. "I got to go, but I'll see you soon, I promise. Be careful." I gave her a passionate kiss before hopping out my window.

Once I got outside, I stripped down placing all my clothes into my backpack before phasing and turning towards Rose. I gave her a wolfy bark before running off into the woods.

The feeling of the ring sitting against my chest had a different meaning to it now that the relationship was consummated.

"where are we meeting Alex?" I heard Bella ask.

"right here" Edward responded as I stepped out from the cover of trees, my backpack slung across my shoulders.

"Hey, Alex" Bella greeted as I got close.

"morning you two" I gave them both a smile before looking at Edward "so where do I take her?"

Edward pulled a map from a side pocket on the pack and offered it to me. I unfolded it.

"We're here now," Edward said, reaching over to touch the right spot. "And you're taking her up here," Edward continued, tracing a serpentine pattern around the elevation lines on the paper. "Roughly nine miles."

I nodded, studying the map.

"When you're about a mile away, you should cross my path. That will lead you in. Do you need the map?"

"I should probably take it, I'm pretty sure where it is but just in case"

Edward nodded, having no issue with me keeping the map.

"I'll take a longer route," Edward said. "And I'll see you in a few hours."

"see you" Bella murmured.

I chuckled slightly "don't sound so glum Bella, I promise I'm warm and smell good. I should know... I showered"

That seemed to get a small laugh from the girl and a smirk from Edward, who I was positive knew more happened. Edward faded into the trees, heading in the opposite direction.

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