I promise (A)*

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A/N - Smut

I trailed my lips up the column of Rose's neck, she tilted her head slightly to allow me better access. With her help I removed her dress, revealing a pair of lacey panties and bra.

Rose chuckled "Alice's idea"

I groaned "I don't want to think about anyone else but you right now"

Rose smiled as her hands drifted to my shoulders, one of her hands played with the hairs on the nape of my neck. "then get a move on"

"yes ma'am" I leaned forward connecting our lips. One of her hands moved to the zipper of my dress and she gently pulls it down. I pulled back from the kiss long enough to step out of the garment, before reconnecting our lips.

We stood together, chests brushing as our lips moved in synchrony. I ran my hands down her ribs, nails grazing the skin before tapping her thighs gesturing her to jump. The moment her legs wrapped around my waist I moved us to the bed.

Once I sat her down, I hovered for a moment, removing my bra before reconnecting our lips, my chest rubbing against hers. The next action was confusing and so fast that I really couldn't tell how it happened, but soon the both of us were void of clothing, our bare skin rubbing against each other.

I trailed kissed down her neck and across her chest, my teeth grazing the skin teasingly.

Her breath hitches as she tilts her head back, my lips brushing one of her pert nipples teasingly. Rose gasps when i take her nipple between my lips, my tongue lashing against it, swirling around the stiff bud before I flatten my tongue against it and shake my head, making Rose's hips cant and buck into mine.

Her hips rock as I turn my attention to her other breast giving it equal attention. Once her nipple was standing to attention I began kissing down her stomach. I nipped at the skin on the inside of her thighs before pulling them over my shoulders.

Rose lets out a breathy sigh as my tongue made first contact. My tongue lashing against her clit. I started with broad strokes, then moved to circle her clit, earning a moan from the woman. I began alternating between licks, nips, and sucks to the little bud. Each and every one earned me a moan from the girl beneath me, who was rising her hips to meet my tongue.

My fingers curled inside of her massaging her front wall, as my fingers continue to pump in and out my mouth pulls her clit into my mouth barely nipping at it with my teeth. The moans got louder as Rose got closer to her orgasm.

I felt her inner walls constrict around my fingers forcing me to double my efforts. Rose let out a shriek as she came. I slowed my movements before pulling out and crawling back up her body.

Rose flipped me over and began showing me the same treatment. She placed a kiss every scar and every tattoo that littered my skin. Her fingernails trailed down my skin causing my body to break out in goosebumps.

Rose didn't tease just dove in. Her hands reached up to grip my breast as her tongue lashed as my clit. It didn't take long for her to get a reaction out of me, the sight of her between my thighs was enough too much.

I rolled my hips against her mouth, feeling her tongue swirl around my clit before sucking it harshly. Her right hand found itself on the inside of my thigh massaging the flesh before probing at my entrance. I moaned loudly as my first orgasm hit.

Rose didn't stop with that, rather her fingers entered me before massaging my inner walls. When she grazed my g-spot my body jumped in pleasure. Her tongue made broad strokes from my entrance to my clit, her fingers picked up the pace brining my closer and closer to my release. I felt my walls flutter before she pulled away her lips attaching themselves to mine.

I could taste myself on her lips, our tongues brushed against each other as I flipped the two of us over. I placed my hips in between hers, my lips attaching to her neck.

Rose moans as I roll my hips against hers. I move up to plant a kiss on her lips, my hips still grinding against hers, our clits rubbing against each other, bringing us closer to another release.

"I love you..." Rose whispered into my mouth.

"I love you too" I reply pulling away slightly to look into her eyes. Rose threw her head back in pleasure and I took the opportunity to place my head in her neck, my hips still thrusting against hers.

Rose moved her hips in sync with mine, I felt the signs of my orgasm approaching. Rose's back bowed her nails dug into my back. I wrapped my arms around her waist. With a final thrust, I felt my orgasm wash over me, my face buried in her neck, my teeth biting into the skin of her neck as I felt the convulsions was over me.

I pulled back panting as I looked into Rose's eyes. I smiled and brushed a piece of her hair behind her ear. Her dazed look fleeted, and she looked into my eyes a smile of her own.

She let out a giggle that turned into a full-blown laugh, one that I couldn't but help to return while peppering her face in kisses. Even after the throws of heat she still looked beautiful.

"I love you" I whispered kissing her again.

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