What? (A)

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The muted light of yet another cloudy day eventually woke me.

Like yesterday I got up, did my business, changed into some hiking clothes (simple trekking tights and a jacket), packed my pack, filling it with a rain jacket, my sketch book, first aid kit, bear mace (though I was going to be on a trail- my mom seemed to be a little concerned about it so I figure it wouldn't hurt.) And just like yesterday I went downstairs for breakfast, pancakes this time. Then I packed my lunch, another sandwich, snacks for me and Toby, said goodbye to my mom and Toby and I were on our way.

"ready for a trip Tobs?" I asked the dog that had perched himself in the passenger seat. He gave a little woof and leaned back into the chair. I couldn't hold back the laugh "you're such a goof"

We were soon out of the town limits. Thick underbrush and green-swathed trunks replaced the lawns and houses. I kept following the road, turning right on the one-ten and driving until I reached my location.

And then the road ended, constricting to a thin foot trail with a small wooden marker. I parked on the narrow shoulder and stepped out, It was warm now, warmer than it had been yesterday, almost muggy under the clouds. I pulled off my jacket and put it in my pack, glad that I'd worn the light, sleeveless shirt.

I opened the passenger door and allowed Toby to wander free, his leash wrapped around my shoulder, in case I needed it. Ahead of me was a barely concealed trail.

I pushed the fern aside and let Toby bound forward. I had to deal damp ferns and webs of moss, but it was all worth it for the waterfall that I would find hidden behind the trees. When our straight path took us over fallen trees or boulders, Toby would wait for me, then run up ahead.

The hike took most of the morning, but soon we were approaching the trickling of water, the little oasis. It was different than the one near my home, but it was still beautiful and peaceful. Wildflowers grew in hoards, their petals completing the rainbow, some even colors I couldn't replicate. Petrichor permeated the air, a scent I couldn't fully describe but it was like freedom.

The feel of the grass beneath my fingers, the sound of water rushing through the rocks, the feel of the sun on my skin and the smell of petrichor but deep down there was another smell, one I couldn't quite describe some sort of flowers definitely, but something else, something sweet.

I leaned back in the grass, Toby beside me as I soaked in the sun. I was unsure how much time had passed but too soon the sun was lowering so I knew I had to get going. I promised I would be home before it got dark, and I still had some hiking to do.

With great sadness I got up, "come on Toby, we gotta go home"

The dog looked to the right as if he saw something, but I turned to look with him and saw nothing. It must not have been anything bad as Toby got up and followed without a protest.

The hike took the rest of the day and by the time we got back to the car a light mist was raining down. I looked over at the slightly muddy dog next to me. "I'm glad for vinyl seats"

Just like the morning the drive home was routine. Quite, peaceful. Toby sat in the passenger seat his head out the window.

When I got home, I fed Toby and made some dinner for myself, or was going to but I saw that my mom had figured it out already. Trust her to make sure I was taken care of.

After dinner I moved to the garage, where I began picking out the pieces driftwood for my final project. Or rather picking out the pieces that could be used for a large portion and the ones that would be better fit for cutting.

At some point through the night, after a few hours of work, I felt a strange sense of foreboding. Like something bad was going to happen, I couldn't explain it.

I found myself checking and double checking the doors and windows, strange since no one has ever broken in. We were so far out of the way, and Forks has such a low crime rate that I'm actually surprised we have a police force at all.

I paced throughout the house, but Toby was so relaxed that I decided it was nothing and settled for a shower. When I was finished, I laid down in my room for a quite night.

As I pulled out my sketch book I heard several loud booms, like thunder in the distance. It was the right time for rain and thunderstorms, it must be high in the mountains though.

But rain was calming, it had a lulling magnitude to it. The sound was relaxing so I focused on the book in front of me. Flipping through the pages I found several drawings of the woods, the forests, and beaches. Mixed into the nature was a plethora of drawings of one person in particular.

I let my mind wander to Rosalie, it took over my senses and kept me focused on anything other than the tingling sensation in my body.

It was like something was crawling along my skin, demanding I get up and move, like where I was wasn't safe and I couldn't figure it out. I was home, this should be the safest place on earth. And Toby would protect me, that was his job, my dad made sure of it.

The only thing that could make me forget about my unease was my drawings. My hand effortlessly flew across the page, creating intricate lines and designs. It turned into what it always did, Rosalie. But I was trying to avoid everything else, so I let my mind wander.

I was broken out of my drawings when I heard the phone ring. I ran downstairs to pick it up.


"Al, I'm just calling to say I'll be out a little later than expected. I was just calling to check in" I paused for a minute, something was going on and I couldn't explain it, but she was off. Concerned and upset.

"Okay, I'm fine promise. I think Toby and I are going to get ready to settle down for the night."

"okay, I won't be out too late and don't stay up too late, okay?"


"alright, I love you"

"I love you too mom" I hung up the phone. "weird"

Usually she doesn't call, maybe it was because Eve was gone. Either way I decided to have some desert and watch a movie, since it was still too early for bed and a movie could help with that.

The next day I was in for a surprise. My mother told me that Bella, after breaking up with Edward, ran away. Or went back to Phoenix, she hated Forks and everything here.

I wish I could say I was okay with that... that I understood I mean since she arrived it's been once accident right after another. But I was there too. And I couldn't help but feel, upset.

A little bit of anger, I mean from what I heard in Phoenix Bella was somewhat of a loner, but here everyone knew her, they were friends with her. I tried to incorporate her in everything, I tried to be her friend.

Was I and everyone else not good enough for her? It seemed insane but I couldn't help but feel it was true, Bella hated Forks and everyone in it. I guess that included me...

And Charlie.

How could she say that to him, how could she just break his heart like it didn't matter. Didn't she realize how lucky she was to have a dad... to have both her parents not everyone was that lucky.

All throughout the day I couldn't help but feel the anger for Charlie... I could never do that to him, and he wasn't my father. The only positive was that she wouldn't be around to get deeper into the supernatural.

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