Complications (A)

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Just like the day before and the day before that I showered, dressed in comfortable clothing, went down for a breakfast of oats and fruit and some juice, packed my lunch, and then headed off to school.

 And like the day before Bella showed up with Edward, and stayed by his side the entire day. She was alienating herself from everyone except Edward. Furthering the belief that he was planning to incorporate her into his world.

Before I knew it, the bell rang, and I was driving home. It was mid-March now, there was still time for snow, but the weather was taking a turn for the better.

When I got home, I realized, again, that my mom was gone.

There was something going on at work, something out of the ordinary for the small town of Forks. Something that I wasn't being told, something that I don't think anyone really knew about. Eve was home, but I knew she would be flying out of town tonight, her friend's wedding was this weekend.

True to my word Eve was walking down the stairs a suitcase in her hands. At least she would get a good weekend with Mark.

"hey Al, how was school?"

"it was okay, nothing new."

My aunt chuckled slightly "I told you not to read ahead"

"couldn't help it, besides why does it take so long to explain something. I could understand if it was so complex but it's not"

Eve only smiled "it's because you're so smart... your mom was the same way when she was a kid. At least you have your creativity to keep you occupied."

I nodded; she was right. I loved learning, unlike some of my peers. English though, I really didn't enjoy much – I thought Romeo and Juliet was stupid... I was far too scientific to believe it. When I was a kid, my dad used to call me his little Leonardo. Obviously, no one calls me that now, usually because I wouldn't let them. That was my dad's thing.

"okay, I am leaving. I won't be back till about Monday. So have fun this weekend..." she gave me a hug before turning to walk out of the house, she stopped suddenly "shit"

"what's wrong?" I asked as she walked back over to the kitchen her hand hovering over a manila envelope.

"I told Val I would drop this off at Charlie's."

She looked hesitant and stressed. I knew it would take an hour for her to get to the airport and she didn't have time to spare. "I can drop it off"

"would you? I would but I'm already running late" she rambled.

I chuckled placing a hand on her shoulder "don't worry I can handle it. Besides I don't have anything better to do. It's the weekend"

Eve smiled gratefully, before engulfing me into another hug. "thank you"

Then she was gone. I shook my head with a smile, picking up the envelope. It had to be work related since it was sealed. I wondered if there was some sort of accident recently. It wasn't uncommon for tourist of hikers to get hurt or go somewhere they shouldn't and get attacked by an animal.

Or they drove too fast and crashed.

It had to be big enough that my mom was working more, and the newspapers were becoming more scarce in the home.

Either way I left the house and began the journey to the Swan residence. It was a quaint 2 story home, perfect for Charlie. A man who works more than anything and usually isn't home. Though since he and my mom started dating, he's been working less.

As I pulled up, I noticed the silver Volvo in front of the driveway, the passenger side door open and Bella was scampering out of it. In front of them was another car, this one darker and I couldn't tell who it was, but I had a good guess as Edward peeled out of there, his car out of sight in seconds.

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