Korinna's Knowledge (A)

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The Cullen's enormous house was more crowded with guests than anyone would assume could possibly be comfortable. It only worked out because none of the visitors slept.

Mealtimes were dicey, though. Our company cooperated as best they could. They gave Forks and La Push a wide berth, only hunting out of state; Edward was a gracious host, lending out his cars as needed without so much as a wince.

I tried not to think about it, I existed to protect and there was a lot of rampant murder going on just outside of my home. I had to tell my mom to stay in Forks or La Push. I explained it with I can't tell you, and she listened, so did Charlie.

I was amazed at the easy acceptance the visiting vampires had for me; the problems Edward had anticipated had never materialized. I seemed more or less invisible to them, not quite a person, but also not food, either. In fact, they seemed to accept me more when they found out I was Rosalie's mate.

Not being able to smell me helped.

Leah returned a while ago with Korinna on her back. Let's just say it didn't go quite how I planned it would. She was with us, but I got a scolding.

Leah ran into the clearing, Korinna on her back. Edward had only just convinced Peter and Charlotte to witness for us. the sudden surprise put everyone on edge, but I was able to calm them down.

When I went outside Leah faded into the woods to phase back. 'Leah, I didn't know you'd drag her down here'

Leah shrugged 'she demanded it, Hector is searching for others'

Korinna approached me an angry look crossing her face. 'you have been very naughty' with a whack on the head she turned and did the same to Leah.

'You should have contacted me sooner young lady'

'sorry... please don't use that word again... it sounds wrong'

Korinna raised an eyebrow looking at both Leah and me. For a seventy-year-old she sure was spritely. Leah and I looked like two children... And we didn't miss the laughter from Rosalie.

But when she met Demetri she melted. Just like everyone else.

'well, Korinna. Now that we've gotten the umm scolding out of the way, would you like to meet him. them?'

'of course, I would. You only meet your great-great grandson once' the three of us walked over to Rose who was smiling happily, Demetri holding her hand.

'you must be Rosalie'

'yes ma'am'

'and this must be Demetri' the little boy looked up a smile on his face. He nodded once and got closer to me.

'hey buddy, this is Korinna. She's my grandma'

She fell in love with him right away. But she had other information to pass down, so once introductions were made we sat around the living room for her response.

"this is not uncommon for our kind" she began "in the beginning we had met few who fought Niju and were civilized. I do not know where they went, no one does. But we do know that these hybrids live peaceful lives."

"so he's going to be okay?" Rose asked. We all had worried about their aging and if what Korinna said was true then we could relax, if only a little bit.

She nodded with a smile "we know they reach the age of phasing, and from there we don't know much. But I would suspect it would be the same as Alex, the venom of your kind run through her veins."

I looked over to see Rosalie and Leah relax. My eyes caught Renesmee "what about human vampire hybrids?"

Korinna thought about it "I do not recall everything, usually the mothers don't survive long. Even female Amarok's haven't survived. But I remember hearing of one, somewhere south. Hector would know more, but Amaroks have the same genetic make-up of humans before phasing and with Demetri and Renesemee growing at the same pace I would expect she should taper off around the same time he does."

"is that what Hector's doing?" I asked, "looking for some like them?"

"he is looking for more of our kind." Korinna sighed "we have not dealt with the Volturi before, but we know that they have searched, it is one of the reasons so many fled, to help keep our kind alive. If the older ones are still alive they could go a long way in convincing them to stop. Or fight if necessary"

We didn't talk about it much afterwards. Eleazar and Korinna talked much about gifts and powers. I didn't catch the entire conversation, but I did hear bits and pieces.

'yes very powerful gift'

'most powerful I've seen in our kind'

'why she's a true leader, a true alpha'

Leah, Seth, Embry, and I ran patrol making sure no stragglers got lost or broke the treaty. So far only four have phased, Colin, Brady, Leslie and Nick. Leslie and Nik was about the same age as Seth, Colin and Brady were younger.

They all were sent to Sam, they couldn't be here it was too dangerous, plus I wouldn't put kids somewhere they weren't comfortable, and Sam could take that role.

Jacob had returned and taken Embry, Quil and I believe two of the newer members. But he had changed, he was grown up. I remember talking to him when he returned.

'Jacob?' I asked looking at the russet wolf 'what are you doing here?'

'I'm coming home. I've been gone long enough... and you were right, I needed to grow up'

He showed me his travels, his experiences and his growing up. though most of it stemmed from a person. Not just any person but his imprint, a guy. I was shocked to see it truly, but when I thought about it, it made sense.

He forced his relationship with Bella to avoid this.

'I didn't know much; I was very careful with my thoughts. I was so obsessed with Bella but when I finally took some time to find myself I realized I wasn't who I thought I was.'

'are you happy?' I asked, I could feel Jacob smile, for the first time since he phased.


Jacob's imprint was an Amarok descendent. Jacob found him running in the forests of Alaska. They hit it off almost immediately, his name was Cyrus, and he knew about the imprint pull, so rather than Jacob feeling like he was forced to love him, Cyrus gave him the choice.

I met him once, he accepted that I was the alpha of the Amarok and agreed to join us in protecting Demetri, but in the end he was going to be with Jacob. The two ran the pack on La Push easily.

Seth often stayed with Renesmee, since there were more vampires around his protective insistence increased, almost like a kid in a mall or amusement park.

Leah and I ran patrol, but Jacob had told us we didn't need to worry about it much. He was willing to help pick up the slack. I was starting to see the old Jacob and I couldn't wait to see what it led too. 

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