Port Angeles (A)

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My aunt had picked me up from school, it was agreed upon that she would drop me off and then we would leave right as the last bell rang.

She drove faster than anyone I had known, so we made it to Port Angeles by four. We talked about what we were going to get, she had plans to take up shop at a dress store and had given me free reign to do what I needed as long as I returned by dark or called her to let her know where I was.

Port Angeles was a beautiful little tourist trap, much more polished and quainter than Forks. My aunt drove straight to the one big department store in town, which was a few streets in from the bay area's visitor-friendly face.

Igot out of the car, making sure both my wallet and cellphone were in mybackpack before making the walk to the library.

The library was much like other building in town, small and old. But that was okay because what I was looking for was also old. Thankfully no one was here, so I had free reign to use the microforms.

The search was long, and I must have searched through hundreds of articles, but I stopped when I found one.

'Miracle Doctor'

It was an article about a new family, the Cullen's. They arrived after the great depression and the Doctor, Carlisle Cullen, took it upon himself to help even the poorest of families, helping with the plummeting death rates.

With the article was a picture, a damning one.

It was of Carlisle, not just the name but the face. But it wasn't just Carlisle, there were pictures of his family. Wife, Brother, and two children.

Esme, Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie.

Shaking my head, I printed the file before searching for another. Emmett McCarthy was indeed Emmett Cullen. Disappeared when hunting. Rosalie Hale, socialite, disappeared before her wedding. No one knew where or why, but there was a lot of skepticism. I didn't need to search more; I had already confirmed it.

All of it.

After getting my newspaper printings and shoving them into my backpack I went to the bookstore, I knew there would be books on the old legends, I could definitely find out more. The windows were full of crystals, dreamcatchers, and books about spiritual healing.

After a few minutes inside the store, I had two books, one on the old legends and one on the spirits. I wanted to seem inconspicuous, just a kid learning more. The cashier was a fifty-year-old woman with long, gray hair worn straight down her back, clad in a dress right out of the sixties, smiling welcomingly from behind the counter.

I made small talk, trying not to let on the fact that I was certain there were Vampires living in Forks.

I walked out of the bookstore just in time to run into Bella, literally.

"Sorry" I replied helping her stand "didn't see you there"

"that's okay, it's nice to not be the person running into someone else"

I chuckled "I could see how that could be something uplifting" I paused looking at her for a moment "what are you doing out here?"

"oh, I was dress shopping with Angela and Jess, then I decided to go to the bookstore." She glanced behind me, a grimace appearing on her face. I looked back and understood her response.

The woman was someone I could handle but for someone socially awkward like Bella, it would be too much. "there's another small bookshop, this one is more spiritual healing and Native Legends" I replied. "I can show you"

"I don't want to impose"

"trust me, my aunt is shopping for a dress, she won't be done for a while."

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