Talks (A)

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I got home after my family. Though my mom couldn't work at the hospital she does still give some recommendations or help but she couldn't be in the room. Eve still watched her closely, while my mom's shoulder was almost healed and her concussion was gone, she still had a skull fracture.

I hoped to get to my room before they could see me, it didn't work out that way. I was caught the moment I stepped through the door trying to get to the stairs.

"what the hell happened to your face?" Eve asked nearly dropping the bowl of salad in her hands.


My mom sighed... she was debating on whether or not to ask. "it wasn't nothing"

She walked over to me her hand gripping my chin to look at the lines running down my face and torso. They were nowhere near as bad as the ones on my shoulder.

"Jacob and I had an issue"

"Jacob did this to you?" my mom asked her eyes wide and filled with tears.

I nodded "we had an issue but it's okay, see. I'm already healing"

"well, dinner's ready. Unless you want to shower." Eve replied giving me an out. I looked down at myself, I had trails of blood flowing down my arms and face. The pink lines were still present and would be until tomorrow, but the least I could do was clean up.

"You guys start, I'll only be a minute"

They nodded as I ran up the stairs. I sat in the shower for a few minutes scrubbing my body meticulously. This was th only time I took off my totem. When I was done I pulled on some shorts and a tank top, making sure to replace my totem. The wolf bringing a sense of calm, the antler and claw adding to a sense of pride.

At dinner I relaxed.

Everything was okay, they were okay, and we were safe. With the Cullens we had more resources to defeat Victoria. Things were looking up. And it felt good to smile and laugh at my aunts antics, to listen to the subtle bickering.

"So, Val. You and Charlie... do you think you'll ever..." Eve trailed off. My mom glanced at me.

"I don't know..."

"do you want too?" I asked. I wanted my mom to be happy in every way possible. I could see the conflict on her face, she was afraid to say anything because of me. "It's okay, you know. Dad would want you to be happy, and if that's what makes you happy you should"

"what about you?" she asked gently.

I smiled "I want you to be happy. If Charlie's what makes you happy then go for it. I will support anything you choose to do. I promise."

My mom squeezed my hand a teary smile on her lips "When did you grow up? It seemed like only yesterday you were crawling."

"no stop that. You're going to make us cry" Eve added a smile on her lips.

"you're right... no crying" my mom said wiping the tears from her eyes. "do you think you'll be able to stay for a family movie night?"

I smiled brightly "yeah. I can do that; I'd like that actually."

"really, Sam won't be upset?" Eve asked.

"no, I earned a break."

The relief they felt was tangible as we sat down for a movie. It was something stupid, but it did its job of making everyone laugh. I fell asleep easily that night. And I had a dream. I couldn't remember much of it when I woke up, but I remember seeing my dad and Hector and Korinna, my grandmother.

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