Things go from bad (A)

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I woke up to the sound of groaning. I looked up to see Rosalie's face scrunched up in pain.

"Rose? Are you okay?" I asked fear lacing my voice.

She nodded jaw clenched, then another wave hit her and she doubled over. I jumped up quickly laying her down against the couch. Lucia and Edward rushed over quickly.

"I think she's going into labor" Edward spoke.

I picked Rosalie up easily and ran her to the bedroom. Edward showed up with everything necessary for the birth and helps set up before Lucia ushered him out.

"don't worry Ed, I got this, you stay with Bella" Edward nodded giving me a glance, waiting for my nod, before leaving.

I walked to the side of the bed grabbing Rosalie's hand. "you're going to be okay... I promise"

"Rose, I need to removed your pants, okay?" Rosalie nodded and I helped her move Rose to do so. I kept my eyes on Rosalie's face to make sure she was okay.

Lucia checked everything she needed too. God I wished I read some more books and prepared for this... I mean how could I? I know Edward called Carlisle and they hoped to be back in time, but they weren't here yet.

Rose let out another groan that was bordering on a scream and I moved my free hand to her neck rubbing any tension away from her, trying to sooth her enough to free my other hand, that was being crushed in her hand.

Her face was scrunched up in pain, her eyes closed tightly and teeth grinding. I peppered her face with kisses hoping to relax her. I felt her tense and place her face in my shoulder to muffle the scream. I didn't register her teeth clamping down on my shirt or Lucia moving to get everything ready, or her hand crushing mine.

I was too focused on comforting her, my pain didn't matter.

In between screams I heard something else. There was the strangest, muffled ripping sound from the center of her body.

"Oh!" she gasped.

Then the cracking of bones, A half second later, Bella screamed. It was not just a scream; it was a blood-curdling shriek of agony. The horrifying sound cut off with a gurgle. Jasper was in the room suddenly, and I knew what happened.

With a heavy heart I looked at Rose. "I have to help Edward, okay?"


"I know, but I have to, I have to help Bella, I have to help Edward. Okay, Lucia and Jasper are going to take care of you" I kissed her forehead then ran downstairs.

Bella's body, streaming with red, started to twitch, jerking around in Edward's arms like she was being electrocuted. All the while, her face was blank— unconscious. It was the wild thrashing from inside the center of her body that moved her. As she convulsed, sharp snaps and cracks kept time with the spasms.

Alice and Edward were frozen for the shortest half second, and then they broke. Edward whipped Bella's body into his arms, and, shouting so fast it was hard to separate the individual words, Edward shot up the staircase to the second floor with me following behind.

"Morphine!" Edward yelled and I rummaged through the table to find the item handing it to Edward in lighting fast movements that I had only done once before.

"Alice—get Carlisle on the phone!" Edward screeched.

The lights were brilliant and white. Bella was on a table under the glare of the spotlight. Her body flopped, a fish on the sand. I pinned Bella down, yanking and ripping her clothes out of the way, while Edward stabbed a syringe into her arm.

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