Cults (A)

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The next few days remain much the same, we were on edge that one vampire would mean another was near. So, we kept scouring the woods.

But in between that Paul took me out to a club. Somehow managing to sneak me in. It was fun but drinking wasn't my thing, so I really only 'sipped' my drink and laughed at Paul as he flirted with every girl around. It was a club in Port Angeles, one where Paul and I were 'exotic'. I didn't particularly like that, but it did mean a lot of girls were around me most of the night.

I don't remember exactly what happened, but I do recall going home with some girl, who was older than me, and the two of us fell into her bed. I was clearly nowhere near as experienced as her, but she seemed happy to teach me. The next morning was awkward but at least it wasn't awful.

Wednesday there was a council meeting, I was present as well as Sam and the usual members. We explained our findings, how we had tracked the vampire around the area for a few days and how Paul and I finally caught scent of him. We told them how he was with Bella, how she looked far more afraid of us than the vampire. Then Sam granted me the position of Beta, he said I proved myself worthy of it. My killing of the werewolf and the vampire made me the second. Plus I was a direct descendant of the previous second in command, Levi so it was a honor that I got to hold.

This all, of course was concerning but none more so than the belief that the man wasn't alone. Sam and I shared the sentiment, there had to be another one somewhere.

I could smell it and I had the best smell in the pack. Perhaps why I was the Beta.

Then of course was the issue with Jake. He was getting more and more troubled and angry. We hoped Billy could help with this. Bella wasn't helping it at all, calling every half hour until near midnight. Not that I blamed her, Jacob disappeared without a trace.

This was often the subject of mine and Paul's conversations, like a few days ago after we killed the vampire, I remember Paul asking if he thought Jake would let it go.

'I don't think he will. It's going to be the biggest issue" I replied. "for some reason he thinks it's more than just her trying to get over Edward'

Paul snorted 'as if there's anything great about Cullen'

'Either way Bella's using Jake. She wanted those bikes built and he was the only one who could do it. She may act fine now, but I promise you the moment they come back, or Bella thinks they will she'll chose them every time. She won't pick Jake. Plus, if he imprints on someone, getting involved with Bella would hurt her in the long run'

'he's convinced he can still have her'

'he didn't imprint. He looked he right in the eyes the other day and nothing. He needs to give up' I replied.

Paul snorted again 'right.'

Jacob was not enthused to hear what we were saying, and he and I got into a fight about it. More so Jake attacking me, and me putting him on the ground. He might have equal strength to me, but I was able to move faster and more agile because I wasn't as bulky.

However, where I outweigh them in abilities, I also outweigh them in weaknesses. For instance, I smelled better, obviously good enough for a vampire to try and turn me into his mate. The venom, while having no effect on them could kill me, at the very least it would slow my healing which could cause more problems.

Friday was worse. Hikers missing and blood.

The authorities thought we were responsible so now we had to watch out for more hunters, ones who were looking for us explicitly and find the beast responsible for the death of a hiker. The scent associated with this beast was similar to the one from a few days ago, so we found his friend.

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