New Plans (A)

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"Hey, guys," Sam said in a loud voice, interrupting all the conversations going on in the small room, as Bella and I returned. Emily was at the stove mixing something for lunch.

It was kinda like a full-time job for her. The tribe wasn't the wealthiest in the country, but it still had a fair bit of wealth. We weren't struggling much like some of the others. The pack was essentially a police force, so our homes were paid for, our food, and clothes were all taken care of under the Tribe.

Jacob rushed over to check on Bella, while I moved over towards the table.

"I know what the redhead wants." I told them grabbing a cup of juice.

"And?" Jared asked.

"she's after... well Bella and I"

Everyone's eyes widened, a demand for more information. "last spring, her mate" I glanced back at Bella, then back to my wrist "let's just say the Cullen's took care of him and now the red head-Victoria, wants revenge. That's why she was at my house, she thought I would be there. Only she found my mom"

Everyone stared at me with open-mouthed surprise, their eyes flickering between Bella and me.

"She's just a girl," Embry protested.

"I didn't say it made sense. But that's why the bloodsucker's been trying to get past us. She's been heading for Forks. My house is on the outskirts, so it was easier for her to get to, without going through La Push."

"Excellent," Jared finally said, a smile beginning to pull up the corners of his mouth. "We've got bait."

With stunning speed, Jacob yanked a can opener from the counter and launched it at Jared's head. Jared's hand flicked and he snagged the tool just before it hit his face.

"Bella is not bait" Jacob growled menacing.

"You know what I mean," Jared said, his face furrowing as he looked at Jacob. Everyone else tensed a little, all afraid that Jacob might do something.

"So, we'll be changing our patterns," Sam said, ignoring their squabble. "We'll try leaving a few holes, and see if she falls for it. We'll have to split up, and I don't like that. But if she's really after you two, she probably won't try to take advantage of our divided numbers."

"Alex could have startled her last night" Paul added "if she was looking for you and found a giant wolf, it might make her rethink you and focus on Bella"

"3 groups of two or two groups of 3. We're pretty even" I added. "if we do the 3 groups, Sam, Jacob and I would have to be separated. We're the biggest"

"Quil's got to be close to joining us" Embry murmured. Everyone looked down. None of us wanted that life for Quil, we didn't even want it for Jacob or Embry.

Hell, Sam didn't want it for any of us.

"Well, we won't count on that," Sam said in a low voice, and then continued at his regular volume. "Paul, Jared, and Jacob will take the outer perimeter, and Alex, Embry and I will take the inner. We'll collapse in when we've got her trapped."

"It would be best if you spent as much time as possible here in La Push. She won't know where to find you so easily, just in case." Jacob said looking straight at Bella, but he glanced at Sam.

"it's her choice" I added.

"What about Charlie?" she demanded.

"March Madness is still going," Jacob said. "I think Billy and Harry can manage to keep Charlie down here when he's not at work."

"he won't want to leave; you know that"

"Wait," Sam said, holding one hand up. His glance flickered to Emily and then back to Bella. "That's what Jacob thinks is best, but you need to decide for yourself. You should weigh the risks of both options very seriously. You saw this morning how easily things can get dangerous here, how quickly they get out of hand. If you choose to stay with us, I can't make any guarantees about your safety."

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