An Idea

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We started walking back to the meadow.

'that was quite a bombshell you dropped' Leah said suddenly.

'which one? I think I showed them far more than I intended'

'oh yeah, not really happy to see you intimate moments, but I mean the Billy -Embry situation'

The three of us stopped 'is it true?' Seth asked...

'I don't know, but I know my dad didn't have an affair and it's pretty suspicious. I didn't want to say anything and start something, but I couldn't help it, it was like memory vomit'

'gross' the two cringed.

'So that's everything... They can figure it out. So, what do we do now?' Leah asked. She and Seth both looked at me expectantly.

'I guess we just keep an eye out for now. That's all we can do. You should probably take a nap, Leah.'

'You've had as much sleep as I have.'

'I'll run the border, Al. I'm not tired at all.' Seth was so glad I hadn't forced them home; he was all but prancing with excitement.

'Sure, sure. I'm going to go check in with the others.'

Seth took off along the new path worn into the damp earth. Leah looked after him thoughtfully.

'Maybe a round or two before I crash.... Hey Seth, wanna see how many times I can lap you?'

'NO!' Barking out a low chuckle, Leah lunged into the woods after him. I snorted, glad they had something to keep up the good mood. It did me well.

Plus, Leah was right, I was going to leave the pack to live with Rose and as my imprint Leah planned to go with me or rather was to be free of the pack. Free to do as she wished.

I changed into my other form when I was a few yards from the lawn, putting on my shorts and tank top.

The door opened before I got to the steps, and I was surprised to see Carlisle rather than Edward step outside to meet me—his face looked exhausted and defeated. For a second, my heart froze. I faltered to a stop, unable to speak.

"Are you all right, Alex?" Carlisle asked.

I nodded "is everyone? Are they okay?"

"They're... much the same as last night. Rosalie's resting. Bella's just woke up"

It had been a while since I'd slept—since before my last patrol. I could really feel that now. I took a step forward, sat down on the porch steps, and slumped against the railing. I was afraid to see them, afraid Rosalie would be worse, that Bella would die or that the pack would show up... that Jacob would claim his position as alpha and attack, that Sam wouldn't care and join him.

Moving whisper quiet as only a vampire could, Carlisle took a seat on the same step, against the other railing.

"I didn't get a chance to thank you last night, Alex. You don't know how much I appreciate your... compassion. I know your goal was to protect Rosalie, but I owe you the safety of the rest of my family as well. Edward told me what you had to do..."

I looked at Carlisle "you guys are my family too. I don't do well isolated; the lone wolf thing isn't for me. Besides what's the point of eternity if you're alone"

I could see the agreement behind Carlisle's eyes, that's why ha chose to save Edward and Esme. Loneliness.

We sat in silence. I could hear the others in the house. Emmett, Alice, Lucia, and Jasper, speaking in low, serious voices upstairs. Esme humming tunelessly in another room. Rosalie and Edward breathing close by—I couldn't tell which was which, but I could hear the difference in Bella's labored panting. I could hear her heart, too. It seemed... uneven.

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