First Hunt

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I awoke the next morning in one of the teepee's, to the smell of fire and the sound of flames. I looked around realizing that the fire was outside, the pit. I stretched my back feeling a little bit of soreness. I couldn't tell if it was because I was sleeping on the hard ground or from the tattoo that reached the middle of my back.

I looked around the room to see paintings of wolves all around. I got dressed in shorts and a tank top before leaving the home. The interior was huge, you could probably fit the entire pack in there... to sleep at least.

"Good morning, We figured you'd be out for another day or so" Hector replied looking at me with a little bit of awe and concern. I looked around once I was outside and realized that the sun was not up quite yet.


"your father took two days after his first mark, as do many of our people. The first tattoo is perhaps the worst" Korinna added "it's the most detailed and biggest."

"I feel fine" I shrugged. She then checked the mark, to ensure that it was right, I guess. I wasn't sure but it was clear they didn't expect me to be up so soon.

"well, we must start with the second part of your ritual. Discovering your spirit guide" Korinna spoke up gesturing me to sit with her for some broth.

"I wanna know, can you show me?" I asked taking a sip of the liquid. I could see the amusement from my excitement, but I wanted this, I wanted to know everything they could teach.

"first you must retrieve the items necessary. A journey to the riverbed, then a hunt."

Hector gestured for me to follow. He handed me a leather hide bag and together we walked into the woods. I had no clue what I was searching for but in knew it was important.

"Your first task requires you to find some ingredients. There are several plants required for this to work correctly. You are responsible for collecting them. There is a slight change to the normal tradition. If you were raised here you would know exactly where to go and what to get. And we would have sent you on this quest alone."

"but because I wasn't, I need help"

Hector smiled "exactly. The same process with your father. I will take you to the location and tell you what you are looking for but collecting the right ones is on you. Some of the ingredients are stored at the village."

"so why do we need to find more?" I asked looking at the towering trees.

"potency. If you want the best effects, you must find the right ingredients..." he stop at the top of a hill. "your first ingredient in along the shore. A mushroom."

He handed me a leather of sorts with some drawings, then pointed down the hill, or rather cliff. "how many do I need?"

"two or three, just to be safe. Part of this task includes descending the cliff and returning"

I nodded, pulling the band of the bag around my neck before climbing down the cliff. A little hum filtered through my hands and feet as I got closer to the ground. When I was at a safe distance I jumped down.

Walking along the shore I was surprised to see nothing matching what Hector described. Was this another part of the test or was Hector mistaken. I took a deep breath, my eyes flitting around at the water, the rocks and mud, then a pull.

I perked up at the feeling of electricity thrumming through my bones. My eyes looked up and met a black wolf, it was across the river, high on the cliffs. The moment it's eyes met mine it turned to look at something around the bend.

I couldn't explain it, but I felt like I could trust this wolf's judgement. I walked along the river, the closer I got to the bend I felt a stronger pull. Then I saw something just before the turn, mushrooms.

I looked at them, but something was off, a small growl filled the air. Looking up at the cliff I saw the wolf, its eyes guided around the cliff. Deciding to follow it's instincts I left them and walked around the bend. To my shock there were dozens of mushrooms.

I let out a chuckle before picking a few of the plants. The wolf was gone but I knew how to get back to Hector. And I wouldn't have to scale a cliff. When I returned he then guided me to another meadow of sorts, where I picked some bark and flowers. When we returned to the village i gave the bag to Korinna to prepare them before Hector led me away again.

"Another part of the tradition includes hunting and using all parts of the kill."

"what are we hunting?" I asked as we got to the forest line.

"Caribou, they represent abundance, prosperity and renewal. The most constant in our tribe. They were the most abundant animal in the area."

We phased and wondered deep into the forest, at some point we caught the scent of the Caribou. As we got closer I could hear the sound of hooves and heartbeats, the subtle breathing of large bulls.

I watched the herd for a moment before finding one alone, it was a male-with large antlers. It would put up more of a fight, but I wouldn't leave a baby without its mom and there were plenty of other males.

'go for the quick kill, we do not want them to suffer'

Hector's mind showed me how to hunt the Caribou effectively. I nodded and watched until the right moment. I launched after my prey. The massive bull was no match, he was about 7 feet long, but I was nearly as tall. he was taken by surprise. Once the Caribou was dead I dragged him back to the village. Hector gestured for me to leave the corpse in one of the long houses.

'this was where our people stored and hung meat. We will return here after to skin the hide.'

He then gestured me to follow him into the forest, we followed a similar trail. 'there is another heard up here'

This time we both got bucks and dragged them back to the village. After phasing we met back into the 'slaughter' house, or that's what I was calling it.

"You caught a good one, it will feed us for a little bit but give plenty of tools."

"tools?" I looked at the bucks, I mean the antlers could be used for something but what else did we plan on using?

""we will use everything, the hide, the meat, the bones and the antlers"

"what for?"

"traditionally bones and Antlers were used as tools and ceremonial artifacts. The hide for clothes, shoes. For our kind the thick clothes were not necessary, but we reserved a few ceremonial outfits, that's what we will use this ones hide for. It was your first kill."

I nodded and followed his instructions watching closely as we skinned the buck. I tried my best to avoid making any sounds of disgust as my hands dug into the Caribou. It was really difficult to avoid cutting too deep, I was much stronger than a normal human. Thankfully I was careful enough that I didn't cause any issues. Hector helped me the entire time, holding the ribs, or legs so that I could get the best pelt as possible.

The issues started after I got all the organs out, that's when it got a little more difficult. A little more sawing was required. Each organ was taken and put in a bag, and Korinna took them away as I began skinning the buck.

This is where my artistic skills came in, I wanted it to be perfect. I wasn't sure how long it took, but I knew it had to be at least a few hours.

"the more you do it the quicker it will be" Hector spoke while helping me hang the skinned hide. "now we leave it for a few days, and it should be ready"

Korinna reappeared "you will hunt smaller prey too, but Caribou is traditional. So is Wolverine, Bison and even a Bear"

"that's a lot of animals" I replied looking at the hide that I had successfully skinned.

"all have uses, but they are a test of strength and ability to provide. You'll go from easiest to most difficult. Next is a Bison, Wolverine and finally Bear"

"Wolverine requires you do hunt in human form. Which is why it is second to last" Hector added. "now we must skin the others, then prepare a stew"

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