Waiting (A)

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It was hard to pull away when the sun rose, but we had our job to do, a job that might be more difficult than all the rest of our family's searches put together.

Rose and I went downstairs to begin breakfast. Eggs, Bacon, waffles; we wanted to go all out. The new family joined ours and Renesmee sat next to Demetri eating some eggs.

"I wish there was a way to get the information from Eleazar before we tell them about the pups... just in case"

"the pups?" Bella asked, Edward smirked looking at me.

"That's what Alex calls them"

I shook my head, but the others only laughed. Demetri smiled at me, he knew there was a chance that he would be just like me, and he was ecstatic. He loved the wolves, and he loved playing with the totem that hung around his neck.

'this was my dad's..." I told him as i hung the leather cord around his neck.

'Grandpa Charlie's?' he asked. Charlie had become an important part of his life, and he didn't want to single Demetri out. It was actually Charlie that said it first and I couldn't explain how it felt to know that he saw me as one of his kids, that he saw Demetri as his grandson. He already planned fishing trips and all sorts of things.

I shook my head 'No, Charlie is Bella's dad... but my dad' I showed him a picture 'this is my dad, his name was Demetrius'

'that's my name' he perked up.

'you were named after him. He died when I was little and Charlie kinda became my father after that. I wore this necklace before I phased, just like he did.'

'just like me?' Demetri asked.

'maybe, I'm not sure if it will happen or not. But it should you have the genes for it. If not then you'll be just like your mommy'

Demetri was obsessed with being like me, he loved it and I hoped he would be. But if he wasn't that was okay, I would love him regardless.

"But he wouldn't understand the question to answer it," Bella agreed. "Do you think they'll let us explain?"

"I don't know."

"Edward, why do you think Alice told us to ask Eleazar about the Volturi? What could he know?" I asked.

"Eleazar knows everything when it comes to the Volturi. I forgot you two didn't know. He used to be one of them."

Bella hissed. "What?" she demanded.

"come now Bella, wasn't Carlisle with them at one point too?" I asked looking at Rose and Edward. Rose nodded but Edward spoke.

"Eleazar is a very gentle person. He wasn't entirely happy with the Volturi, but he respected the law and its need to be upheld. He felt he was working toward the greater good. He doesn't regret his time with them. But when he found Carmen, he found his place in this world. They are very similar people, both very compassionate for vampires." He smiled again. "They met Tanya and her sisters, and they never looked back. They are well suited to this lifestyle. If they'd never found Tanya, I imagine they would have eventually discovered a way to live without human blood on their own."

Edward glanced at Seth "No, he wasn't one of their warriors, so to speak. He had a gift they found convenient."

Seth must have asked the obvious follow-up question. Though he probably was just curious.

"He has an instinctive feel for the gifts of others - the extra abilities that some vampires have," Edward told him. "He could give Aro a general idea of what any given vampire was capable of just by being in proximity with him or her. This was helpful when the Volturi went into battle. He could warn them if someone in the opposing coven had a skill that might give them some trouble. That was rare; it takes quite a skill to even inconvenience the Volturi for a moment. More often, the warning would give Aro the chance to save someone who might be useful to him. Eleazar's gift works even with humans, to an extent. He has to really concentrate with humans, though, because the latent ability is so nebulous. Aro would have him test the people who wanted to join, to see if they had any potential. Aro was sorry to see him go."

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