Plans (A)

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The Quileute boys watched silently, reading every unconscious play of emotion on Bella and Alice's faces. They were rooted in place, and yet not completely still. All three pairs of hands were trembling.


"To Forks," Bella whispered.



She nodded, understanding the question. "One carried your red shirt."

Jasper's expression was disapproving. I could tell he didn't like discussing this in front of the pack, but he had something he needed to say. "We can't let them come that far. There aren't enough of us to protect the town."

"I know," Alice said, her face suddenly desolate. "But it doesn't matter where we stop them. There still won't be enough of us, and some of them will come here to search."

"no" Bella whispered, horrified. The noise of the party overwhelmed the sound of her denial.

"I have to go; I have to get away from here." Bella began panicking.

"That won't help. It's not like we're dealing with a tracker. They'll still come looking here first."

"Then I have to go to meet them! If they find what they're looking for, maybe they'll go away and not hurt anyone else!"

"Bella!" Alice protested.

"Stop, Bella you aren't going anywhere. Now stop it." I said looking to Alice "Alice what's going on? No riddles"

"Our kind. Lots of them." I breathed deeply pushing the irritation down. I knew it was a vampire in Seattle, but I didn't expect this. To be fair Rose and I tried not to discuss this sort of thing.

I looked around at the party noticing that more than a few eyes were on us. "we should speak in private" I replied, Jasper eagerly agreed.

Alice led us up to a private room away from the party goers. In the room was the entire Cullen clan, plus Bella, the pack and me. I stood in the center of the boys, a firm reminder that I was in charge and not Jacob. Embry stood to my ride side though giving enough room to avoid the look Rosalie gave him.

"they'll be here in four days" Alice said. I winced, four days was not a lot of time to prepare

Carlisle paced before sitting down a pained expression on his face "this could turn into a blood bath"

"who's behind it?" Edward asked Alice.

"I didn't see anyone I recognized. Maybe one."

"I know his face, he's local. Riley biers."

"he went missing a few weeks ago" I added remembering the lost posters.

Edward nodded "He didn't start this"

"whoever did is staying out of the action" Jasper spoke up.

"whoever it is must be playing with the blind spot of your vision" Carlisle spoke up looking between his children.

"either way the armies coming and there aren't enough of us to protect the town" Jasper spoke, though it seemed to pain him to say it.

"hold up, what damn army" Jacob asked exasperated.

"newborns. Our kind" Carlisle replied.

"what are they after?" Embry asked.

"they were passing around Bella's scent"

"they're after Bella? What they hell does this mean?" Jacob intervened, unable to stop himself.

"it means an ugly fight, with lives lost" Carlisle added looking at every person in the room. I glanced at Rosalie, before looking back at the boys the each nodded, Jacob looked at the Cullen's ready to speak, to declare himself for the fight. But I beat him too it.

"We're in"

"no" Bella breathed out; her face full of fear. I could tell Rosalie didn't like it either, but I would rather fight with her than allow her to do this on her own. "you'd get yourselves killed, no way" Bella continued to protest.

I shook my head "this wasn't us asking for permission. We're going to kill any that cross our path, might as well do it together."

"Edward" Bella said one last chance to protest.

Edward looked at Bella, "it means more protection for you"

"Alex?" Carlisle spoke "do you believe that Sam would agree to... an understanding?"

"Yes, this is about protecting our home. It's too dangerous to allow them free reign."

Carlisle nodded before looking at his son "Jasper?"

"they'll give us the numbers; newborns won't even know they exist. It'll give us an edge"

"we'll need to coordinate" Carlisle said finally. Bella stood up still attempting to protest. I wasn't sure why; this is what we were born for.

"Carlisle, they're gonna get hurt"

"we'll all need some training." Carlisle added ignoring Bella's plea "fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You're welcome to join us"

"Just name the time and place"

"What's too late for you?" Carlisle asked.

I shook my head "we stay up late all the time, just name the time."

"Three o'clock? About ten miles due north of the Hoh Forest ranger station. Come at it from the west and you'll be able to follow our scent in."

"we'll be there. At least one or two of us."

"Jake" Bella turned towards the boy, hoping to play on his emotional side "you don't know what you're getting yourself into"

"Bella" Jacob began "this is what we do. You should be happy. Look at us, working together. You are the one who wanted us to get along, remember."

Bella's face was pained, like she was trying to find any other option to stop this from happening. "Bella, this is about more than you. If we sit back the whole town is in danger, you know what's happening in Seattle, we don't want that here. Forks wouldn't survive." 

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