Alone time (A)*

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I woke up the next morning in my room with Rose cuddled into my side. "good morning" I said in a raspy voice.

"not morning yet" she whispered her lips grazing my neck. I couldn't help but let out a quiet moan as she placed a kiss against my pulse point. Rose chuckled lightly, her hands sliding under my shirt, her nails grazing my abs.

In an instant she was straddling my lap. "Demetri will still be asleep for a while and the others have gone out."

I smiled leaning up to capture her lips in mine. Being extra careful to not bite into her skin, Carlisle thought it would only happen once seeing as all the known descendants of my kind had one child but I didn't want to risk it... yet.

Rosalie leaned down to connect our lips. My hands trailed up her thighs to the hem of her shirt. In a quick succession Rosalie removed all her clothing leaving her naked for all to see.

Even after seeing her nearly a hundred times, it still shocked me how beautiful she was. Her perfect and pliable skin under my fingers, her facial expressions when I did something she liked, everything was perfect.

Our lips entangled as Rosalie's hands pushed my shirt up and over my head, my sports bra following shortly after. Rose leaned down, our breast touching. After a few minutes I flipped the two of us over, usually I let Rose lead, but I wanted to show her how much I love her. And she did give birth to our son. I kissed Rosalie, before moving to her jaw, kissing down her neck, sucking her skin into my mouth. There would be no evidence of it later, which was a little disappointing, but it also meant I didn't need to worry about hiding anything.

Rosalie whimpered and gave a few quite moans as my lips trailed between her breast, giving them both equal attention. My teeth grazed her raised nipple before following the trail down along her stomach and ribs.

My fingernails dragged across her thighs as I kissed my way to the apex of her thighs. "Al..." she breathed out as I blew across her core.

I decided that while we had time we didn't have all the time in the world, who knew when the others would be back. So I began kissing around the swollen lips before alternating between long swipes and gentle pecks. I soon focused on her clit, sucking and swirling as my finger probed at her entrance.

Rosalie let out a gasp as I began stroking her spongey walls, finding the tender spot. I curled my fingers, still maintaining the attention on her bundle of nerves. Rosalie's thighs tightened around me but not enough to hurt. Her hand moved down to grip my head while my free hand moved to palm her breast.

"Al-" with a shuddering moan her backed bowed. I slowed my fingers bringing her down from her high before kissing up her body planting my hips between her legs. Rose only paused for a moment before her hands were at my hips, pushing down my shorts.

When I was devoid of all clothing I returned to my position, my hips between her legs. Rose flipped me over before her lips descended upon my skin. From my neck, breast and all the way down to my thighs.

Rose went straight to the place of desire, her lips suctioned my clit as her fingers stroke my interior walls.

Rose kept her ministrations bringing me to near climax before pulling away, lavishing my abs and face with pecks as she gently massaged my thighs. I couldn't help the needy whines that fell from my lips, my hips gyrating looking for some pressure.

"Rose... please-" she chuckled before her hand trailed back to my core. With practiced movement her fingers moved through the wet folds before reentering, and massaging the walls. I bucked my hips in time with her strokes pushing myself closer to the edge. Rose kissed me just as my back bowed and my orgasm took over my body. Violent shudders and convulsions wracked my body. Rosalie let out a gasp as I flipped her over again, positioning myself above her.

With my hips between hers I began thrusting gently, allowing my body to slide along my lovers. Our clits rubbed against each other as our breast did the same. The next climax was quicker but just as satisfying as we met it together. I placed my head in Rose's neck muffling any sound, Rose did the same, her fingers digging into my back.

I breathed heavily as I rolled our hips to a stop. We took a moment to breath before starting it all again and again. The next few hours were filled with moans and panting that only we could hear. 

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