Babysitting (A)

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I woke up early Monday morning knowing that I had to be at Sam's. It was my turn to patrol, plus I wanted to make sure Jacob didn't do anything stupid.

After my shower I ran downstairs for a quick breakfast. My mom was sitting at the island with a cup of coffee. Eve was rinsing out her cup before turning to see me.

"you look happier, what happened?" Eve asked. My mom turned to look at me her eyes narrowed, studying me.

"you do..."

I paused "um, it's nothing you have to worry about I promise"

"well i shouldn't have to worry about you being happy" my mom stated.

"who is she?" Eve asked, "only a girl could get this kind of reaction."

"I could be happy just cause" I replied grabbing some breakfast. Eve walked up to me examining me closer.

"no, it's a girl. You have this love-struck gaze in your eyes" my mom chuckled looking between the two of us.

"is it a girlfriend or another exploit?" My eyes widened and I looked at Eve trying to decipher if she said anything, but her eyes were just as wide as mine. I heard my mom laugh "did you two really think you could hide that from me. I could see it that morning you showed after your first time. Mothers intuition"

"god, she's terrifying" Eve whispered. I nodded slightly watching the smirk show up on my mom's face.

I swallowed a lump in my throat "she's not an exploit... she's... more than that. She's the one and I hope its forever"

"who is it?" My mom asked.

"ummm. She's one of Dr. Cullen's children." My mom gave me a look expecting more information "Rosalie."

Eve cackled and I couldn't help but furrow my brows, bristling a little. "I can't believe it." she continued laughing "Our baby Alex fell in love with a blonde, just like her dad"

I sighed a smile coming to my face as I realized what she was talking about. I shook my head "it's not because she's blonde. It's because she's...."

"perfect?" my mom asked a light in her eyes, almost as if she were thinking about my dad.

"yeah, she is but its more than that... I don't know how to explain it"

"Sometimes you can't" My mom said. Eve sobered up before looking at me with a small smile.

"we're happy that you found someone who can be your forever. Val and I know that at some point we'll be gone, and I know you're technically not my daughter, but sometimes it feels like it. I want you to be happy and if Rosalie makes you happy, and from what I can see she does, then I'm happy. The same way that Demetri made Val happy... and I'm starting to see a bit of it with Charlie."

I could see the tears in their eyes. We were broken out of the emotion when the phone rang. My mother who was closest answered it.

"Hello?. Yeah, she's right here"

She handed me the phone, then mouthed 'Sam' I nodded.

"hey Sam, what's up?" I purposely kept the discussion brief; I couldn't freely discuss vampires with my family. I wasn't sure how to tell them Rosalie was one, I couldn't but I couldn't explain why she didn't age either. Maybe I could throw out the existence of other supernatural and hint that Rosalie was a part of it, without telling them everything.

"Alex, Jacobs going to the High school to talk to Edward, I want you to go as well just in case. We all know what happened last time"

I nodded, remembering the face full of blood and cuts "okay, I can do that. I'll meet back at yours afterwards"

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