Interrogations (A)

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It was very hard, in the morning, to argue with the part of me that was sure last night was a dream. I wanted it to be a dream, but one look at my hand and I knew it wasn't.

I knew I was almost severely injured by a gang of drunk men; I knew Edward showed up -out of the blue- and saved Bella and I, I knew she was still with him when I left, that I left her with him, and I knew, without a doubt the Cullens were Vampires.

The legends were right.

I supposed some part of me should be terrified, I should want to run away and never see them again, but I found it very hard to do so. Twice Edward had saved me, twice from serious instances that could very well have led to my death.

And then thinking about Rosalie, the blonde who I could not forget about, who I couldn't seem to put in a dark light. Nothing could make me believe she was 'evil' or bad, she hadn't done anything to show me that. Carlisle was a doctor, Edward saved me; everything I have seen from the family said they weren't dangerous, they weren't bad. Even thinking about Alice or Esme hurting a fly was wrong, it seemed impossible not just improbable.

But another part of me told me that I couldn't get complacent, that I should be alert at all times. That I can't get too close because it was dangerous. Because whether they are controlled enough to be around humans or not; they were significantly stronger and faster than a human. They could also bring their own kind, and with that was a whole other danger.

These two parts fought viscously with one another until settling on the plan of caution. Until they did something, truly bad and unforgivable (like kill someone) I would say nothing. I would uphold my end of the bargain and the treaty.

Once that threshold was crossed it was my responsibility to do something.

With that in mind I got dressed for school, it was colder out today than it previously had been, a foggy and dark atmosphere was outside my window giving a creepy horror movie vibe to it, fitting considering what I learned last night.

Preparing for the day I pulled on a pair of colder weather high top shoes, half expecting it to rain. Then a pair of jeans, t-shirt, and a pull over on top of that. I grabbed my backpack, making sure I emptied the possessions from last night – I didn't need to be cause with that. I stuffed the papers into my personal sketchbook, the one I never bring to school. 

At least not since the accident... that was a close call.

When I got downstairs my mom was gone, it was her week to start work early. It was sorta her deal as she'd rather be home in the afternoon. And since we lived in the little town it was easier for her to have an eight-hour day. Eve generally worked 9-3, she usually left the same time I did, unless she had an appointment... but that was rare.

"how's the thumb?" Eve asked as she rinsed out her coffee cup.

"it's okay" I mumbled.

"Al, there is nothing to be ashamed of. You punched your attacker, that's badass. Your mom may not have said it, but she thinks it too. Though, obviously she's worried about it, but I'm proud of you."

I couldn't help but smile as I reached into the freezer to grab my smoothie mix before putting it in the blender. I nodded as I grabbed my lunch and breakfast. I would eat it a school.

I wasn't late per say but later than normal, it was a good thing that I was a well likes student, most teachers didn't bat an eye when I ate in class. They all just assumed it was some sort of medical thing. And for the most part it was, a good diet was great for my immune issues than filling up on antibiotics. Being proactive was better for my health, obviously I couldn't account for everything that would happen, but this allowed a little more leeway. 

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