Legends (A)

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I was close, I could feel it, like a natural compass pointing exactly where I needed to go, it was like electricity thrumming through my paws. Every inch of me was trembling, not from the cold or the thrumming.

And the closer i got the more my body hummed.

Something familiar, like a dream. The winding river led me deep into the reserve and soon enough my mind was telling me I had to cross the it, to the valley on the otherside, the one filled with towering green trees and ferns.

That was the way. It was like a magnet pulling me. I'm arriving and it feels like home, like this was were I was meant to be. Even the soil was feeling warm and cozy, like it was a part of me. Like I could melt into it and be home.

I had been running for two days to reach the valley. I had fallen into the icy waters, slipped on the cliff faces. But I couldn't give up, not now, not when I'm so close.

I looked up to see the sun starting to set.

I scaled down the canyon wall, then plunged into the freezing water. I managed to cross it just before twilight. Venturing into the woods I ran for a few miles.

I got to a small clearing.

My ears twitched as I heard the sound of fire crackling, but also music. Wind chimes, I don't know what it was but the melody called me.

"Praise for the sun at high noon... praise the father son and sister moon"

The singing was of a woman and it got stronger the closer I got to it. The sound filling my soul, I was here for a reason. Was this the reason I was born?

"Grass that we walk upon"

My paws hit the ground, throwing dirt and pebbles up behind me, through tall, lushes pines. The entire area smelled so wild, so fresh and clean, home.

I've come so far; this is the answer I've waited for.

"Praise for the earth mother, praise the father sun and sister moon"

Deep in the woods I could see a small meadow, it held a few homes. Or rather wooden teepees, they were hidden in the tree line, and huge, all surrounding the fire. 

By a fire were two people, a man and woman. Both were old but the woman singing was significantly older. She had graying hair, while the man still had dark hair. The man was probably in his 50's, the woman was about 70 maybe older.

Normally I would be cautious around humans, but something about these two told me they weren't normal humans. I got the scent of rosemary, lavender, and Amaranth-flower, all scents that were calming.

I gently stepped out into the sight of the two. The music trailed off and the two turned towards me. The older woman smiled.

"Alexandra... I've been wondering when you'd show up" she looked at me with matching eyes and a warm smile. She felt familiar but I couldn't place it. "please join us"

I nodded my head before hiding behind a tree to phase. I pulled on some shorts, sports bra, jacket and shoes before heading towards the fire. I wasn't cold but the air here held a chill to it.

"how'd you know my name?" I asked the woman as I sat down across from them. The smile didn't fade from her face as she looked at me.

"i have been waiting for you to show up for years, since the day you were born I knew you would show up here"

I furrowed my brows "how did you-"

"we can discuss that later, but first introductions. This is Hector, he will be your teacher" the woman point to the man who like her had a kind smile, he reminded me of Billy or Harry a little bit. Not much but he had a fatherly aura around him. "And I am Korinna, the Shaman. Together we have held on to our home waiting until one arrives that we can rely on to carry the heritage of the Amarok. We will train you as we have the others"

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