Engagements (A)

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Igroaned as I stretched my arms high above my head. A familiar weight restingagainst my chest, nestled into my neck, fingers playing with my necklace. Thestone felt weightless when compared to the pouch attached next to it. Last night'sbonfire really added to the pressure.

Leah stood off to the side of the village taking on last look around. The week had done us some good and we were ready to head home. Leah was better than me, I couldn't wrap my head around Korinna's belief in me. I wasn't a leader, not like she believed.

"you do not believe in yourself. You are afraid to see it" Korinna spoke up suddenly from beside me.

"I'm not, I cant be the alpha"

"leadership is not only shown as an alpha. But in how you react." Korinna grabbed my necklace and tied something around it, next to my mating totem. "you are the leader the Amarok needs. You may not see it yet, but you will. This is the sign of allegiance between us and the Quileutes. The final evidence of the cold one your ancestors killed." 

Ilooked down at the leather pouch that was sealed with an antler tip. A ravenfeather wrapped around the bag and a symbol that represents Niju etched on theback.

"I can't take this" I protested. Korinna smiled gently.

"you can and will. You are the best option to do so." Her hand cupped my cheek "you are my Great Granddaughter, the Great Granddaughter of Ephraim Black the last Alpha. Imprint or not you carry his genes in you. You will be the one to bring our people back"

I sniffed; I couldn't believe anything she said but she trusted me, so I had to try.

I felt Rosalie rub my abdomen drawing me out of my thoughts. Korinna believed that things would get better, that I would have my mate and that I would be a leader. Only part of it had came true, but the more I thought about it the more I realized, I would have to leave the pack.

It would be the only way to go with Rosalie. Hopefully I could break free, I'm sure Sam wouldn't mind me following my mate. But I still had some time to worry about that.

"are you okay?" Rosalie asked. I smiled gently.

"yeah, I'm just thinking"

"what's going on in that head of yours?" Rose asked as her thumb ran along the scar across my eyebrow. A scar I've always had since my dad died- in the car accident. I wondered if that was why I had the brown spot by my eye while in wolf form.

"I was just thinking I'll have to leave the pack... to stay with you. When you guys leave"

Her brows furrowed "do you not want to leave?" she whispered.

My hand came up to cup her cheek "I want to go wherever you are. I was just thinking about how I was going to break free"

Rose was quite for a while before her eyes met mine "do you ever think of marriage?" she asked shyly.

I bit the inside of my cheek "I used to think I would never get married. And I was okay with that, I mean same-sex marriage isn't really that popular right now. But with you... I would do everything to make sure we had the wedding of your dreams"

"but do you want to?"

I leaned up slightly "I want to be with you in every way possible. I would love to have a ring that symbolizes our love."

Rosalie gave a shy smile before looking at me through her lashes. "so, if I asked you to marry me right now would you say yes?"

I smiled as I looked at the totem hanging from Rosalie's neck "I think I already asked." my hand lifted the smaller stone and my thumb rubbed it gently. Rosalie looked down with a smile. "It's technically a courtship stone. It's tied to me spiritually and now it belongs to you"

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