Graduation Woes (A)

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I ran the brush through my hair shaking out the rest of water before entering my bedroom to pull on my dress. It was a beautiful navy knee length dress. It was sleeveless, but the gown should cover everything, and I was graduated so no one could really say much about a tattoo or multiple. 

 I'm not sure how Rosalie knew what size clothes I wore, but I can only assume she looked through my closet. A little weird at first glance, but Rose likes shopping and clothes, so it made sense. Of course, it could have been Alice, she could have gotten all that information. 

With one final tussle I left my hair draping over my shoulder. It was longer than I usually kept it, but I haven't really found the time to cut it. It doesn't affect much so I wasn't in a hurry.

Once I was downstairs, I saw my mom and aunt ready to go, they both were wearing some of their finest dresses. I could see tears in their eyes, Mark was standing next to Eve in a suit of his own.

"my baby's all grown up" my mom replied planting a kiss on my forehead. "it was only yesterday when you were learning to walk"

"congrats Al" Eve replied giving me a hug, Mark patted me on the shoulder. We were trying to get back to our previous relationship. Well Mark was trying to forgive himself for shooting me, I had already forgiven him.

"shall we?" my mom asked gesturing to the cars.

I followed my mom. She and I would be going in her car, while Eve and Mark would be going in their own. They would join us for dinner, but they would be going on a date afterwards. Same with my mom and Charlie, seeing as Bella and I were going to a party.

"are you nervous?" my mom asked.

I smiled slightly, putting my totem away. "No. I've learned all I can in high school, it's time for me to start my life"

I heard my mom sniffle a little bit, I turned to look at her "hey, I'm still going to be your little girl."

She let out a wet chuckle "it's just your dad would be so proud of you. Of everything."

I smiled happily. We didn't talk about my dad much, it hurt to think he wasn't going to be there for me. "do you think he would like Rose?" I whispered.

"Yes." She glanced at me "I know I don't know everything, but I know she isn't like me or you."

My eyes widened "mom, i-"

She gave me a gentle smile and patted my leg "Al, it's okay. I can't know everything, but I know she's good for you. You can be yourself with her and that's all that matters. I am proud of you and your dad would be too. And I know he would love Rose, and not just because you love her." she smiled "she truly is a wonderful woman"

We got to the school around the same time as Charlie and Bella. I could almost feel the elation from the man as he looked at Edward hidden behind the bars in his cruiser.

When we got to the group my mom joined Charlie her hand in his. Both of them looking equally emotional and happy at the same time.

"It's good that Alice is throwing this party. You need something to perk you up." Charlie said looking at Bella.

"Sure. A party's exactly what I need." Bella replied a little sarcastically. Charlie laughed at her tone and squeezed her shoulders. Edward looked at the clouds, his face thoughtful.

"come on Bella, it will be fun... Alice has a lot planned" I replied, remembering that I was supposed to help Alice set up, even though I didn't. Edward spared me a glance and a small smile.

He knew what I was really doing, but his face seemed conflicted, like something was eluding him. I could see him looking for Alice and I realized she knew something we didn't.

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