Imprint talks (A)

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Their eyes met for a short second, and then Jasper nodded. He moved out of the way, but put one hand on Bella's shoulder and moved with her.

And then the child in Esme's arms, struggling and reaching all this time while her expression got more and more irritated, let out a high, ringing wail. Everyone reacted as if they'd never heard her voice before. Which was appropriate seeing as she never really cried.

I flinched and had to cover my ears, though I glanced at Demetri watching him to make sure he was going to be okay. Rose and Leah were doing the same thing.

Seth was watching everyone and Renesmee at the same time, I could feel his anxiety from here. "What happened?" his voice seemed to be the loudest. I watched as Renesmee reached out for him, placing her hand on his cheek then squirming to stretch towards Bella again.

"she just wants Bella" Seth said soothingly, as he gently held the squirming girl.

"She wants me?" Bella whispered.

"She's been waiting for you for almost three days," I told her. She looked over towards me, her eyes meeting Rosalies and then glancing at Demetri a shocked expression found her face, but she was pulled back by Renesmee's whine.

Seth reached out to hand her to Bella, his hands gently letting go as soon as Bella was cradling her, though he remained close by. Renesmee reached up to touch Bella's face and it was like Bella was going to fall. Everyone reached out for her, going to make sure Renesmee was safe.

"What... was... that?" Bella managed to choke out.

"What did you see?" Rosalie asked curiously, stepping closer towards Bella. Demetri began squirming in Leah's hands, watching as Rosalie started walking away. "What did she show you?"

I turned towards him, and he eagerly accepted my hold but kept a firm eye on Rosalie. I looked at Leah and we shared a smirk; Demetri was a momma's boy... specifically Rose... not that I can blame him she is perfect.

"She showed me that?" Bella whispered.

"I told you it was hard to explain," Edward murmured in my ear. "But effective as means of communications go."

"What was it?" I asked stepping closer so that Demetri could nearly touch Rosalie.

Bella blinked several times quickly "Um. Me. I think. But I looked terrible."

"It was the only memory she had of you," Edward explained. It was obvious he'd seen what she was showing. He was still cringing, his voice rough from reliving the memory. "She's letting you know that she's made the connection, that she knows who you are."

"But how did she do that?" Bella asked, Renesmee seemed unconcerned with Bella's mild freak out, and was busy playing with her mother's hair.

"How do I hear thoughts? How does Alice see the future? Or Alex feel electricity through the ground?" Edward asked rhetorically, and then shrugged. "She's gifted."

"It's an interesting twist," Carlisle said to Edward. "Like she's doing the exact opposite of what you can."

"Interesting," Edward agreed. "I wonder..."

I looked on with amusement as I handed Demetri to Rosalie. Once in her arms however he turned to the new face, examining her closely. Edward stopped his conversation with Carlisle to turn towards Demetri.

"that's Bella" he said in the same gentle tone he used with Renesmee. Bella looked away from Renesmee to look at Demetri, who was appraising her just as Renesmee did.

"he's so big too" Bella whispered, then she looked confused for a moment "why can't I smell him? I mean he smells like everyone else"

Carlisle smiled "he's taken on some of Alex's defensive mechanism... mainly her invisibility. His human side is hidden, or rather his scent since Edward can hear his thoughts."

"wow" she whispered "he looks a lot like you Alex"

"yeah, I have some pretty dominant genes, but he prefers Rose" I joked earning a round of laughter from everyone in the room.

I watched as Renesmee looked to Seth as if to say, 'look it's my mom'.

Seth smiled and nodded "yeah, that's your mom"

We all settled in the happy atmosphere not needing to worry about anything, I would tell Bella later. Or I hoped I would.

"I still have questions" Bella said looking around before her eyes landed on me "what happened with the pack?"

"oh... why don't we sit down... or go outside?" I questioned looking at Jasper and Edward, I didn't know if this was going to set her off and I really didn't want to destroy Esme's home to do so.

"why?" she questioned then seemed to understand what I was suggesting. "you think the news will bother me"

"maybe" I answered honestly. Bella nodded and went to hand Renesmee to Edward. He took her, but then passed her to Seth as Bella followed me outside, but I could tell she caught the action.

"okay, spill" she replied once we were in the yard.

"well, the pack... they attacked, and we had to hold them back. We ended it and they won't be a problem anymore. I talked to Sam and the Council we came to an agreement"

"what stopped them?"

I glanced towards Seth then back to Bella "an imprint."

Bella glared at me her eyes cold "you imprinted on my daughter?" she pushed me slightly.


"I did" Seth replied from the steps "I'm sorry, I can't control it, but I just want to protect her"

Bella turned towards Seth, and I rushed to get in between them "there isn't anything malicious or disturbing about it Bella, Seth just feels like a big brother. And it is his imprint that saved her"

Edward interrupted "Seth, is okay. We think it's a lot like when Alex imprinted on you"

Bella looked at me shock on her face "you imprinted on me?"

"yes, after you saw me phase. It's still there"

This seemed to be the wrong thing to say as Bella was not calming down "You imprinted on me! and he imprinted on my daughter!" her glared turned to Seth "she's a baby!"

"it's not like that, I promise" I heard some movement behind us, I could tell it was Rosalie, she was getting closer but not too close.

"You know I don't think of her that way! Do you think Edward would have let me live this long if I did? All I want is for her to be safe and happy - is that so bad? So different from what you want?" Seth shouted around me.

Beyond words Bella shrieked a growl at him but I tried to turn her attention onto me. "get out of the way Alex"


"Alex move!"

I stared her in the eyes, defiance filling me. "No"

Then she lunged.

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